9. - Recently Sweet

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{Perla's POV}

The battle's haven't started yet, meaning it must've been earlier than I thought. Still, the question remains in my head. How in Arceus did Alain, of all people, get me a VIP Pass?! Those things are really expensive... but then again, he battles a lot, and when you do pokemon battles a whole lot, you get money in return. Meaning... I've been with a rich boy this entire time...

I was about to sit down on the couch again, but then I suddenly flinched at the sound of the door being slammed wide open. I turned my head and saw Alain himself, right at the doorway. 

"Huh? I thought... the match was gonna start soon. Why did you come back?" I asked him.

"I have extra time." He shrugged, walking to my seat, putting the letter on the glass table. "And you could have visited me outside to wish me good luck, not pour every ounce of softness in you in a note, right?"

"I... um..."

He sighed. "Nevermind, don't answer that one." He sat on the same couch as me, giving us a bit of a distance.

"Hey, how about you relax for just a bit?" I suggested. "You know... a few deep breaths, a cup of tea and some food for energy before the battle starts?" He made yet another 'hm' sound, considering it. I moved to where my bag is, getting a tumbler that is still filled with hot tea.

"Here you go. One hot cup of tea." I poured him a cup, giving it to him. He looked at me, letting his guard down, before taking his gloves off and accepting the warm cup, holding it with both hands. Alain, for a moment, looked hesitant, as if he's never had this kind of treatment.

"...Are you alright? You've been staring at that cup for minutes now."

He blinked, then faced me again. "I'm alright." He then took a sip, his face making a weird reaction. "How much stuff did you put in this?!"

"Um... One teabag, three spoons of sugar and a splash of milk?" I replied, moving away.

He sharply inhaled. "Then this is just sweetness with a spoon of tea. I usually prefer something bitter, to... keep me awake. You know, with all the training I do." 

"Oh... I like sweeter things. Like tea, or macarons from the bakery... soft pillows and cuddles..."

"What- Perla, you don't eat those last two."

"But they still count as something sweet right?" I smiled a little awkwardly. He rolled his eyes, still drinking the sweet drink I gave him. I like how Alain didn't give it back to me, and actually wanted to finish. I don't know if he's doing this out of spite or he's slowly starting to like sweet things.


{Alain's POV.}

I hate to admit it, but... I'm starting to warm up to her. I don't know what kind of tricks she's pulling off, but now I just have the urge to be so much closer to her. We've been at this for two whole weeks now. With all her following around, and me treating her to all this... niceness. I want to give in, but at the same time, I have to remember the reason why I was here in the first place.

I closed my eyes, visioning myself at the top. A bright blue flame surrounded me. I wanted to be the strongest Mega Trainer, for the sole purpose to protect everyone else. But now, there was someone new in that vision, a pink light; Perla. Just the two of us, standing in the distance, with opposing colors. I have this feeling... to grasp her. To add her to my list of people I have to keep under my shield. But also, to let her join my side. Of Lysandre's perfect world.

My daydreaming stopped the moment I felt her head touch my shoulder. "Hm?" She was there, her eyes shut, and she was sleeping.

"Hey, Perla..." I nudged her. "Wake up, sleepyhead. You're gonna miss the match."

"..." She didn't respond, and with all this time in my hands, a little taunt was out.

"You're gonna miss it, you're not gonna see me battle in the semi-finals..."

More silence.

I sighed. "You're gonna... miss me?"

I guess the third time really was the charm, because one of her glassy eyes opened up. "What...?"

"Perla, it's about to start," I got up, putting my gloves on, then leaving her seated on the couch, in her half-awake state. "I don't want you to miss it, alright?" As I reached the door, she was already facing me again, waving me goodbye with that soft smile of hers. I put my guard up again, leaving for the next battle.

Blue Ribbons | A Pokemon OC x Alain StoryWhere stories live. Discover now