3. - Training Buddy

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{Perla's POV}

We stayed in the Pokemon Center last night, after that sudden encounter and battle I had with Alain. I never knew he was that strong, nor competitive. It makes me wonder what kind of motivation he has to be stronger. 

I woke up, and I realized that I wasn't in the main room with him anymore. I was on a bed, by myself. Did he give me my own room to stay in for the night? I got out of bed, fixing my hair and putting my shoes back on, before closing the door, looking for the other Mega trainer.

Is he in another room? Is he waiting for me outside? Please, anything but him leaving me already. I thought he'd keep his promise.

The thoughts in my head keep spiraling, the fear already setting in.

I went back to the room, bursting the door open and...

He was there, on the couch. Or, more like two chairs stuffed with pillows. Alain used his jacket as a blanket, and his scarf that he wore was a pillow under his head. 

"...I was worried about you." I sighed, coming back to my senses. He looked pretty... bad. With scratches exposed from his neck. I guess that they're from wild pokemon.

He didn't respond to my worry, meaning he's a heavy sleeper. My eyes were then drawn to a small plastic container, and a note attached to it.

I picked it up, and it had two sandwiches. The note only labeled it as "Breakfast". That's thoughtful of him. I only took one of the sandwiches, saving the other for when he woke up. I started eating it, taking a few small bites then chewing it slowly. I don't know if Alain bought this from a store or bakery, or he made it himself and arranged it neatly. 

As I was about to finish, his body stirred, letting his hand fall loosely on the "couch". His eyes opened slowly, letting the morning sun pour out from the curtains of the room. Then... he focused on me. 

"Oh... good morning?" He muttered aloud, and let out a yawn. Can I just say how different his voice is?

"Morning..." I awkwardly responded, taking another bite. He sat up, slipping his jacket back on his shoulders, and wrapping the scarf around his neck again.

"You know... you could've slept with me on the bed."

"I didn't know if you move around the bed while you sleep. That would give me a hard time to lie down." He rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, and stretched his arms. I could've let him sleep with me, but he decided to lay his head down on his own clothing and put his legs on two chairs.

"By the way, I saved you a sandwich." I nudged the container back.

"No thanks, I already ate."

"But you just woke up." I let my concern slip through. He hopped out, snatched the container with the remaining sandwich and sat down on the floor, eating it in much quicker bites. By the time he was finished, I was only halfway through. I finished mine, not wanting him to wait any longer.

"Any reason why you wanted me to tag along?" 

"Two reasons. To make sure that no other scientist chases you down, and to work on your training." Alain stretched his arms.

"So I'm your training buddy?" He turned to me, making a little 'hm'.

"Yeah. Let's call it that for now." He fixed the "couch", returning the pillows back onto the bed and putting the chairs back into place. 


We exited the Pokemon Center, now walking somewhere past the forest where we met yesterday. The goal here was to find stronger pokemon and fight them using our Mega Evolved Pokemon.

But, I have another goal in mind; getting to know him more.

"Do you travel with anyone else?" I asked.

"I do. Her name is Mairin." His expression is still calm and stoic. "She tagged along, and we only traveled for a while before something happened to her Chespie."

"Chespie? It has a nickname?"

"Mhm, her Chespin." 

The silence fell as we continued walking. The green leaves overhead, leaving splotched sunlight hitting our faces, the sound of rustling grass and a few pokemon flying or running in the distance, doing their own life. I caught a glance of him, every once in a while.

He stopped, with us in front of Terminus Cave. "Wait... we're supposed to go in here?" He shrugged at my question. Alain looks so used to this. I've only been in caves once or twice, but with him being so chill with being in dark spaces, he could befriend a few Ghost types if he wanted.

Before I could answer my own question, he took my hand and we dashed in, darkness quickly enveloping the area.

"Send out Audino, and let her at it!" Alain shouted.

"Wait- we can't see a thing!"

"But you can hear, right?" He faced me, moving his grasp from my hands to my shoulders. Even in the darkness, his blue eyes seemed to glow. "Yes... I can hear you."

To his request, I sent out my Audino. We did a bit of our own training, hitting the large rocks, using Ice Beam against the cave pokemon, focusing more on the offensive.

I heard a few explosions in the distance, which made me stop. The smoke cleared, revealing blue flames. I guess that means he's been training with me.

"How's it going?" Alain's Mega Ring glowed as it took in Mega Audino's power. Was he impressed? I couldn't tell, we're still in the dark after all.

"It's great. I didn't know you train like this."

"Personally, I like more of a challenge. When you're in the dark, anyone or anything can jump out to suddenly attack you. You have to stay alert and shoot your shot when you have the chance." His words felt inspirational, like legitimate advice.

Voices were heard in the distance. He immediately grabbed me. "Meet me in front of Prism Tower, alright? I have something to deal with."

"Huh? Alright... Don't make me wait too long." That was my only promise. Alain made another 'hm', then ran to where the voices were. I ran back to the entrance.

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