Episode 24: Surprises, Surprises

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Gina's pov:

It had only been a week since I came to New Jersey, and I was already loving it here. It was a lovely friday morning, and I could smell food being made in the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and found Tj frying chicken. He looked behind me and got a glance of me. He smiled and happily said "Good morning sweetheart!" He then added the fried chicken on top of a plate with rice on the side. "I made you food, I hope you like it".

I looked at the food and started feeling strange. I couldn't handle the smell, it was too strong. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up in the toilet and heard Tj coming behind me.

He held my hair so that it wouldn't come in the way. After I had done throwing up, Tj looked worried at me. "Are you okay?! What happened?! Should I call the ambulance?!"

I quickly responded "No no no don't worry it's nothing serious. I've just been feeling sick today, that's all. He rubbed my back and said "you should get some rest".

Sebastians pov:

I was going to fight with everything I had to make Colette stay in the US.
"I can't go back to Nice, I just can't! I don't want to see my dad again!"

Colette started to panic a little, but I calmed her down and replied "babe, relax. We will fix this". I then wrote a letter to my dad's friend who was a high standared lawyer and posted it. I desperatly waited for an answer to come soon and hoped for him to accept the case.

Tj's pov:

Gina woke up from her nap which was a perfect timing, because me and my brothers had just gotten a call from my manager telling us that we needed to have an important meeting with him.

I went to let Gina know about the important meeting and told her that I had to leave. She understood and let me go.

During the meeting, we discussed about marketing strategies, our upcoming tours and contracts. The phone beside us began ringing during the meeting, but my manager hung it up. The phone started ringing again after a few minutes, it really made him lose his patients. "This better be important".

He answered the phone and looked at me. He rolled his eyes and said "it's for you." He handed me the phone and I heard a familiar voice saying "hello?" It was Gina.

"Babe I can't talk right now, I'll call you later." "No, you have to come back right this instant." I frowned my eyebrows and asked "why what happened?"

"Tj! will you just come to the hotel already?!" She then angrily hung up the phone. I let out a sigh and told my manager that I had to leave.

He was not happy about it at all and said "this better not happen again!" My brothers looked confused at each other and asked what had happened. I told them that I would tell them later. What else could I say? I didn't even know myself what all of this was about.

I drove back to the hotel and angrily opened the room door when I had arrived. I saw Gina sitting on the bed and I stared deep into her eyes.

"What could possibly be so important that I had to drive all the way back here?! Do you know how embarrassing that was for me?!?! And on top of that, you won't even tell me whats wrong!! Now speak up, what's the matter?!?!"

She started tearing up and replied "go back then if the meeting is more important than me! Do you really think I would ask you to come back if it wasn't anything important?!"

I calmed myself down and deeply regretted for yelling at her. Making her cry was the last thing I wanted to do, and now I had done exactly that. I couldn't bare to see her cry. I went towards her and sat beside her.

"Baby please don't cry. I'm really sorry for what I said I didn't mean it." I hugged and rubbed her back. She was relaxed now, but she was still sniffing. "There, there, stop crying and tell me what's wrong".

She calmed down and slowly breathed in and out until she caught her normal breath back. "Tj..." "yes baby?" "I'm pregnant..."

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