Episode 3: A Starry Night

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Gina's pov:
"Wait" I said before he left. "Come back". He came back and sat on my bed. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you went through all that". "It's okay, don't worry Gina. Although this is kind of personal, please keep it between us. I have never told anyone about this before. I don't know why, but I feel safe with you. Even tho we just met today. I just left a year worth of relationship and I didn't even tell my ex about these things." "Don't worry Tj, your secret is safe with me. Thanks for telling me and thanks for trusting me." He gave me a big smile. But I could still see the pain in his eyes. I broke the silence by saying "if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Emma ?"

Tj looked down while holding my hand and sighed. "I really regret what I did. I had fallen in love with Emma six months ago. Well, at least I thought I did. She really loved me. I think she and Kimberly, my recent ex, were the ones that loved me the most. But me, I broke up with Emma through a letter and acted as if she didn't exist whenever she would try and talk to me. I didn't know how to handle the situation, and it felt like a knife had stabbed me in the heart whenever I would ignore her. I was just scared. And I didn't want to hurt her even more. Because of this, me and Sebastian's friendship ended as well. It really wasn't worth it. What I did back then was terrible." I rubbed his hand with my thumb and said "it's okay Tj we all make mistakes, I'm glad you realized yours." He was about to say something, but then we heard a sound from downstairs. It sounded like my dad had woken up. "Tj hurry up and get out of here I'll talk to you tomorrow." I whispered. He hurried up and went down the ladder from my window. When my dad had arrived my room he asked "who were you talking to sweetheart?" "No one dad I was just reading a book out loud." "Hmm okay sweetie. But please do sleep now, you've got school tomorrow." "Yes dad, goodnight."

I woke up 7:00 am the next day and got ready for school. Then I heard the doorbell ring and I went to open the door. It was Sebastian at the door who came to pick me up. I went inside the car and drove to school with him. I had math again in the first period which meant Tj was going to be there. I was excited, but at the same time I wasn't. I hated math.

 But luckily Tj, who was the master in math, was able to help me. I got lots and lots of help from him. He even invited me over to his house to help me with our math homework.

When we finished school, I told Sebastian that I didn't need a ride back home. After Sebastian drove away, I secretly took a ride in Tj's car and drove to his house. When we had arrived, we did some math tasks while we talked about other things. "So, how many siblings do you have Tj?" I asked.

 "Well,  I have two siblings. Taj And Taryll. Taj is the oldest one out of all of us and is 22. Taryll is the middle child and is 19. And then 2 years later after Taryll, came I. And let's be honest here, I'm the handsomest of them all". He winked at me which made me giggle and blush. 

Tj stared at my cheeks and then gently touched them. "Your cheeks are as red as an apple, are you okay?" He asked. I got embarrassed and shy and tried to cover my face with my hair while replying "yes I'm okay it's just my stupid cheeks blushing for no reason, I'm sorry."

 He shushed me and removed hair from my face. He looked deep into my eyes and slowly started to lean towards my lips while cupping my cheeks. But the moment quickly got ruined when Taj opened the door.

 "Hey bud have you seen my watch? Oh sorry, am I disturbing?" Tj rolled his eyes while letting a little "ugh" out. I replied "No Taj don't worry you're not disturbing us at all". He gave me a friendly smile and left by saying "I'll leave you two alone".

"Thanks for the math lesson Tj, although I have to go now. My mom doesn't like me coming home late for dinner". "Very well. Goodbye Gina". He replied while gently kissing my hand. I left as fast as possible before I started blushing again. I went home and relaxed on my bed while daydreaming about Tj. He was such a kindhearted guy.

It was 9 pm and someone was ringing the doorbell. I saw from the window that it was Tj. So I ran downstairs to open the door. My dad was already on his way to open the door, but I shouted "no dad I've got it!" He looked at me strangely and said "okay? You go take the door, I'll go and take a nap". 

I waited for him to leave and then excitingly opened the door after dad left. And there was Tj standing, as handsome as always. He looked at me and said "hey gorgeous, I'm here to take you out". He immediately grabbed my hand and took me to his car. "But where are we going?" I asked curiously. "That's a surprise cutie". I started to giggle a little bit and sat in his car.

We started driving off to a place I had never been before. We drove up on top of a mountain and then stopped. He got out of the car and opened my door. I got out of the car and couldn't believe my eyes. It was magnificent. 

I could see the whole city from up here. I could see all the buildings, different lights, tiny people and tiny cars driving everywhere, and the best part, I could see all the stars in the sky. Me and Tj sat on top the roof of the car and enjoyed the beautiful view.

 "Tj, this is absolutely beautiful". "Yea it really is. I usually come here when I feel upset or when I want to be alone while drinking a can of coke. Speaking of coke, look what I've got". He pulled out two cans of coke and handed me one. "Thank you". I said with a smile while taking a sip of the coke and started a conversation.

 So Tj, what do you want to do in life? What's your plans ?" Tj took a sip of the drink and said "I want to follow my dreams and live my life. I want to become a big musician with my brothers and go on tours. None of us wants to go to college. We just go there so that our dad will support our dream and don't see us as useless boys that dropped out of college. We really need his support. Besides music, I also want to marry a girl that I will love with all my heart. I want to treat her like a queen. But I don't think I'm a person that is capable of loving someone, and I hate myself for that.

I sat my hand on top of his and said "don't worry Tj, you'll find someone. That I can guarantee you. You're are an amazing person who really cares about others. And for that, you'll get good karma". He looked deep into my eyes and leaned a little closer to me. "You know Gina, ever since I met you, I had gotten a feeling that I've never experienced before. A good one. I feel safe with you, I feel whole with you, you're different. You're... special". Then he leaned towards me closer, and kissed me.

The Wilsons Vs The MillersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora