Episode 19: Fame And Success

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Gina's pov:

6 months had gone by and college wasn't as fun as it used to be without Tj. I had started to do really well at math ever since I had gotten help from Tj, but now that he had been so busy with his album, I went from getting an A to getting a D. Him and his brothers had released their first album "Boyhood" 3 months ago which became a huge hit in a short period of time. He had fans everywhere around him and wasn't able to go outside without having a security guard. His dad was quite proud of his boys for becoming such successful people in such a short time. I would also get so much attention from school for having such a successful boyfriend. I was really proud and happy for him and his brothers.

I was at Tj's home and straddled on his lap. He kissed me everywhere on my face aggressively and then gave the same attention to my neck. His touch always gave me butterflies. "I thank God for everything. My life is perfect. I've got my future wife, I've got my dream job, I've got a second mom and I finally mean something to dad". He hugged me tightly and rested his cheek on my head. The phone that was beside the bed on top of a table started to ring. Tj let out a grunt and answered the phone. He went from having a poker face, to having an exited expressive face. He was talking on the phone for a long time. 

He hung up the phone after he was done talking and looked at me. "Babe! My manager just called! He said that me and my brothers got invited to perform our songs in New Jersey next week!" I should have been happy, but I got rather upset. "What is it my love? Was it something I said? I tried to force a smile and said "no it's nothing, it's just that I'm going to miss you a lot. How long are you going to stay there?" I'll be staying there for 4 weeks because we will perform in different places inside of New Jersey, and it takes time to prepare the stage. We have to test the microphones, the lights, the instruments and many other things. But you're crazy if you think I'm leaving you behind, I'm taking you with me". He then tried to kiss my cheek, but I faced away from him.

"Babe, I've got exams coming up in two weeks, I can't leave right now. You know how strict my school is about these things". "Shoot, I forgot about that completely. I won't go anywhere then, I'm not leaving you". I was quick to interrupt him and said "no no no, you're going. You have worked so hard on following your dreams, you cannot stop now". We argued about this for 30 minutes and he then said "fine you win, I'll go with my brothers". I smiled at him and said "that's my good boy". It was 10 pm and Tj walked me home. He covered his face with a scarf so that no one would recognize him. I instantly fell asleep when I had arrived to my room, I was tired and drained out and was ready to charge up for the next day. 

Colette's pov:

Sebastian had fallen asleep earlier than expected. It was just 10 pm and he had fallen asleep an hour ago. I tried to sleep, but I wasn't able to. An hour had gotten by now and I still wasn't able to sleep. The quiet weather had now turned into rain and thunder. I looked out of the window and saw a lightning strike close to me. I got scared and sneaked in inside Sebastian's mattress. I don't know why or what, but I always felt safe and secure when I was close to him. I instantly fell into a deep sleep with him. 

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