Episode 12: The French Girl

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Sebastian's pov:

She was too drunk to process what had just happened and fell asleep on my shoulder while I was driving. When we had arrived to my house, I took her to my room and layed her on my bed. What was I supposed to do now?

I took a look at her. She had long black wavy hair, fair skintone, and gorgeous big pink lips. She had mascara running down her face, and was  wearing a white robe that was untied which revealed the black bra and the black underwear she was wearing underneath. I tied the robe together to cover her a bit up.

I then went to Emma's room to see if she was there. When I found her in her room, I instantly closed the door behind me and said "Emma listen, I need your help".

I was about to explain what had happened, but when she turned around, her eyes were really watery and red. "What happened, are you okay? Are you crying? And have you really been in your room all day?"

Emma then smiled at me and let out a happy giggle. "Nooo I wasn't crying. You know very well about my dust allergy, I have to vaccume my room as soon as possible. And no I haven't been in my room all day, I went out this morning. What do you need help with?"

She changed the subject real quick. I wanted to ask her more questions to see if she was lying or not, but I was too stressed to think about anything besides the fact that there was a stranger in my room.

I told Emma the whole story, and she listened. After hearing the whole story, she agreed to help me. "Don't worry Sebastian, I'm here to help. I'll find some clothes from my closet that she can wear when she wakes up". "Thank you so much lil sis".

I went back to my room to check in on the girl. She was half awake half asleep. I told her to try and get some rest. But she wa trying to whisper something. "il m'a trahi". I asked her to repeat what she was saying. "il m'a trahi" she repeated a bit louder. She was speaking french.

I took french classes, so I could speak and understand a little french. "il m'a trahi" meant "he betrayed me"

Gina's pov:

I woke up the next morning earlier thsn expected. It was 7 am. I looked around and realized that I was in Tj's room. He was sleeping beside me, looking cuter than ever. My stomach was hurting really badly. When I got off the bed, I started stressing. My period had started. There was a big red stain on the bedsheet. I was stressed while thinking how I could change the bedsheets before he woke up, but it was too late.

He was already slowly waking up, so I jumped right back to where the stain was. He slowly opened his eyes and said "good morning babe, how did you sleep?" I tried to hide my stress and attemped to act normal. "I slept well. Although I didn't expect to wake up in your room".

"Yea it's a long story. But don't worry, everything is okay now. And the next time you wake up earlier than me, I want you to wake me up, or else I'll feel bad". I smiled at him. "That's so sweet of you. I actually-" "whats that red stain you're sitting on?" I panicked. I didn't cover up the whole stain. And now, he had seen it. I still attempted to act as if I didn't know what he was talking about. "Um, I don't know what you're talking about". "Could you please get up?"

I nervousely got off the bed. His eyes widened. "Is that blood?!" I let out a nervous sigh and said "yes, my period started. I know it's gross and disgusting and-" "babe wait, it's okay. It's natural for girls to get periods and I'm not disgusted. I just wish you would have told me sooner so that I could help you poor thing. We don't have pads in the house since we're only men living here. But I'll go to the store to buy pads and some chocolates for you. But first, I'll change the bedsheeets. You stay here and rest".

I was surprised, he was being so caring and sweet about this. He left the room to find new bedsheets, and I went after him because I wanted to help. On the way out, we bumped into someone.

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