Episode 6: Kimberly

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Tj's pov:
The next day had arrived and I was getting ready for school. There were three things I could only think of, and  those three things were Gina, Gina, and Gina. I really think I had fallen in love this time. But I still wasn't 100% sure. Gina was special tho, Gina was different.

I had arrived earlier than usual at school and got a glance of Kimberly. She looked different. She was skinnier than before, she was trying to burry  herself in the black hoodie she was wearing, and she had big dark circles under her eyes. I went to talk to her to see how she was handling things now, I also wanted to let her know how sorry I was for ending things badly.

"Hey Kimberly, I know things ended badly between us. But I really hope you're doing okay and I'd love for us to still be friends. I really didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I didn't mean to play with your feelings". She looked me in the eye and didn't say anything. She looked tired and done with life. After a few minutes of silence, she finally said something.

"Friends? You think we can be friends?! You have ruined me so much! I loved you a lot, I did so much for you! But you? You broke my heart. You tricked me into thinking that you loved me. But you know what Tj Miller? There's no love inside of you. You can never love anyone and you don't ever deserve to find love!"

She started tearing up and ran to the ladies room. She was right, I didn't deserve to be loved. I didn't deserve Gina. What if I would lose feelings for her as well? I couldn't let her go through the same pain, an angelic person like her doesn't deserve any type of pain. I had to remain our relation as friends.

When Gina saw me in the hallway, she immediately started to smile and ran towards me. She gave me a big hug and said "it's so nice to see you again! Even tho we saw each other yesterday. Oh by the way, what do you think of my new shoes that I'm wearing today?" She kept blabbering about things, but I wasn't able to concentrate.

"Hello ? Earth calling Tj? Are you even listening to me? And why do you have the long face today?" I looked into her gorgeous eyes and got lost in them. She was standing over there with her arms crossed while waiting for me to answer her. When I finally opened my mouth to say something, the school bell rang.

After a long school day when we finally could go home, I packed my bag and was on my way out. Going through the hallway, Gina got a glance of me. She came close to me to kiss my lips, but I gently pushed her away and said "Gina, could we please just remain friends? I'm thinking about your own good".

She looked shocked at me and asked "have you lost feelings for me?" I sighed and said "no it's not about that, I just don't want to hurt you". "Then what are you doing right now?" "Gina please just forget about me, you don't deserve me. You deserve someone so much better". I walked away after saying that. "Tj!" She shouted my name behind me as I walked away from her. She repeatedly called my name, but I didn't turn around.

When the night had arrived, I went to the same place where me and Gina had our first kiss. I was sitting on the top of my car roof drinking a can of coke while getting flashbacks of Gina. Realizing that I had ended our relationship made a tear fall down my cheek. I wiped the tear with my hand and was surprised.

I had never in my life cried after a breakup. It was then I realized, I really loved Gina. I was now dead sure that we were meant for each other and that I would never in my life lose my feelings for her. My feelings for her grew and grew every day. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I had never had these kind of feelings for someone ever before.

I quickly went back in my car and drove to Gina's house. When I had arrived to her house I rang the doorbell. Gina opened the door with mascara all over her face, her hair tied up and a tissue in her hand.

"Gina, we need to talk". Before she could say anything, her father appeared from behind and started shouting at me. "You! Didn't I warn you not to hurt my daughter? You disobeyed me and betrayed us, I never want to see you in my property ever again! Get out of here before I call the cops!"

"No no Mr Brown please listen". Then I saw Mrs Brown coming out of the house with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to listen to you!" Replied Mr Brown. I had no choice but to kneel in front of him.

"Sir, I've made many mistakes in my life. And because of my mistakes, I was afraid it would affect your daughter. So I decided to distance her. But I realized today that we are inseparable. I cannot stop thinking about Gina. Day and night I only have Gina in my mind. I, for the first time after my mother's death, cried for distancing your daughter. I want to marry your daughter, I want her to be the mother of my children, I want to grow old with her. Just please, give me a second chance". I even started begging him to give me a second chance and teared up.

I felt someone gently rubbing my hair which made me looked up. It was Mrs Brown. She smiled at me and said "my child, we all make mistakes. I'm happy you realized your mistake. I'd love for you and Gina to get back together again". Then she kissed my head and rubbed my chin.

Gina came running towards me and I lifted her and twirled her around. I hugged her tightly and said "I'm so sorry babe, I should never had let you go. I have never said this to anyone before, but it feels right to say it to you. Gina, I love you". I forgot that Mr Brown was behind Gina.

He came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "You know if I wasn't touched by your speech, I would have slapped you for hugging my precious little girl. But your speech really made me realize that you're a good kid. And after all, she isn't a little girl anymore. I have now realized that I can't keep protecting her from everyone, because she has grown up and she's got to experience things. So now, I'm giving my job over to you. It is now your job to take care of our girl".

I smiled at Mr Brown and replied "don't worry Mr Brown, our girl is in good hands".

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