Episode 9: It's The Falling In Love

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I froze when I heard him say that. How was I supposed to react? Gina and Emma began cheering for our friendships return after a long time of disliking each other. Well, at least they thought so. I knew that Sebastian hadn't forgiven me that easily, it was too good to be true. Emma became so happy that she ended up giving me an  exited hug. I rubbed her back while having a poker face. I had a lot of thoughts running through my mind.

Emma's pov:

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Tj really came back to apologize to me. I had always thought this day would come after we broke up. Because I knew that he was a guy with a pure heart. But I had started to lose hope after a year of waiting for his apology. Now that he came back and explained why he hadn't reached out sooner, made me realize that he didn't mean to hurt me, he was just going through a lot and he had fear inside of him.

He also started to think that I hated him, and his conflict with Sebastian just made things more complicated. He really made me realize that he was a nice guy who actually cared about others and didn't actually mean to harm them in any way. I had always loved him from the start, and was going to continue loving him forever.

He had finally reached out for me. Not only that, the hug he gave me after the apology for his actions, was special. He even said that he would be here for me from now on and would never let me suffer the way I did ever again. It made me believe that he still might have feelings for me.

It was a lovely Saturday morning, and I was planning to ask him if he wanted to eat breakfast with me at the new cafe that had just opened up in town. I left my bed to reach the phone and started dialing Tj's number. He answered surprisingly quick and said "hello?"

His voice was deep and warm, It never failed to give me butterflies. "Hello?" He said once more. I replied quickly before he hung up and replied "hi Tj, It's Emma. Sorry for not replying you the first time". "Hey Emma, what's up". "Would you like to eat breakfast with me at the new cafe that just opened up?" I answered quickly before I regretted it.

It was silent for a second. But he broke the silence by hesitating a little and then by replying "that would be really nice, I just have to check my calendar first and then I'll call you back. How does that sound?" I got really exited and eagerly replied "yea thats okay, goodbye".

Tj's pov:

I hung up the phone after she said goodbye. I really didn't know what to reply. Her brother hated me. And besides, I wasn't single after all. I had to ask Gina how she felt about this, so I called her. "Hi Tj, how are you?" "Sup babe, Emma just called me and asked if I wanted to have breakfast with her at the new cafe that had opened up in town. Is that okay for you?"

She hesitated for a bit, and I was quick to respond before she even answered. "It's totally fine if you don't want me to go, I completely understand that. It's so stupid of me to-" "Tj! Be quiet and let me answer. I think it's a good idea. It would be good for both of you to bond again after all that has happened".

I was a bit surprised, because I thought she would freak out. But my baby was an angel. About an hour later, I met Emma outside the cafe. She gave me a big smile and a big hug. "Wow Emma, you must be really hungry since you're this exited", I jokingly said. She laughed nervously and grabbed my hand while going inside.

Emma's pov:

We sat down at a table for two and waited for the waitress to come. While we waited, Tj was looking outside the wimndow. He was so handsome. Those big brown eyes, those big masculine arms, that curly lightbrown hair, those pink soft lips. Boy did I miss kissing them. Everything about him, was just to die for.

When the waitress finally came, she smirked at Tj while leaning towards the table with her head supporting on her hands. "Hey handsome, what would you like to order today?" He seemed uncomfortable by her flirty voice, flirty look, and her being close to him. "Uh, I'd like to order two American pancakes with syrup on top and two cans of coke". 

The waitress gave him a stronger flirty look and said "you sure you don't want to order my number as well?" Tj rolled his eyes while letting out a little sigh and replied "look madam, I am not interested. I have a girlfriend, so I would really appreciate it if you could shut up and get your work done, thank you".

The waitress gave him a disgusted look and whispered to herself "how rude"  while leaving the table with our order noted down. I started laughing and said "she really bought that you had a girlfriend. You were great Teej!". He looked strangly at me and said "uh, thanks?" Oh no, was it the stupid nickname that made him react like that?

Our food came about 10 minutes later. The pancake looked and smelled delicious. They were small thick fluffy pancakes with tasty syrup on top. While we started eating the food, I noticed that Tj was constantly smiling. I chuckled a little and asked "what are you thinking about Tj? Why are you smiling?" He looked at me and smiled bigger. "Oh Emma, I'm in love. I can't believe I ever planned leaving her, I was so crazy for doing that. But now that I've got her back, I grow more and more feelings for her each day".

My heart dropped, was he talking about me? "What a coincidence, I've had the same feelings. You know, of being in love. Stop being so mystical and tell me already who this lucky girl is!!" I said eagerly. He chuckled and said "wow I'm surprised, I thought you already knew by now who this girl is. The lucky girl is..." my eye's widened out of excitement. I was now really sure that he was about to say my name. "Gina!!"

"My whole body froze when he said that. Did he really just say Gina? I asked again just to make sure I heard it right. Yes, he really did say Gina. I was in a deep shock. "As a matter of fact, we are actually dating". My heart shattered into pieces. He kept talking about how amazing she was while my heart slowly got stabbed in and out. Tj stopped talking about her after he saw how pale I got. "My goodness Emma, are you okay? You're completely pale". I was battling to keep my tears inside while I made eye contact with him and smiled while saying "yes I'm okay, I just feel sick. I think I'll head home, I don't feel good".

He looked concerned at me and said "that's completely fine. Want me to drive you home?" I replied "no thank you, I'll walk". "Okay, as you wish. Get well soon. Oh and Emma, please don't tell Sebastian about us going out". I smiled and said "don't worry I won't, even tho he doesn't hate you anymore. I'll keep it a secret for your sake. Goodbye". I left before he could even reply. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I cried my eyes out after leaving the cafe.

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