Episode 10: Arcade Center

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Tj's pov:
I ate my pancakes up and left the cafe. While I was driving, I kept thinking about Emma's behavior. She was acting really strange. How did she suddenly feel sick? I gave this thought a lot of energy, but I soon forgot about everything when I parked my car and went to Gina's place. I instantly gave her a big hug when I saw her. We went upstairs and played video games while I told her about Emma's behavior.

"So yea, that's basically everything that happened. I found everything quite strange". She rolled her eyes and replied "she clearly likes you Tj". I let out a quiet short laugh and said "Emma? Liking me? There's no way that's true". "Well, you are really handsome. I'll have to take care of you so that nobody steals you away from me". I gave her a little smirk and said "don't worry baby, I'm all yours. No one will ever be able to take me away from you". "Thats my good boy".

After a while, we heard a knock on the room door. I went to open it, and it turned out to be Mrs Brown.

Gina's pov:
Mom came in with two slices of delicious chicken sandwiches and a can of coke. "Hi my sweethearts, don't get a panic attack it's just me. Mr Brown has a long shift at work, so he won't be coming home in a while. I made you two sandwiches in case you get hungry". I replied "thanks mom" and tried to grab the can of coke, but she wouldn't give it to me.

"Not so fast young lady, this is the only can we have left in the house. And Tj is a coke lover, so that's why I brought it for him. He's my special child". I gave her an annoyed look and said "mooom, why!!!" Both of them started laughing. Tj went slowly towards mom and gave her a hug. He said "thank you Meemaw". In a baby ish voice. It surprised me. I had never seen him act nor talk like a baby before. Mom hugged him as well and patted on his back while saying "you're welcome my child".

I wanted to laugh after seeing his childish behavior, but I held it back. Because it made me realize how much he missed his mother, and how he finally got the motherly love he had been searching for years.

An hour had gone by, and we decided to study for our math test that was scheduled for the next day. I was so burned out from all the tasks we had done. "Come on Gina, don't give up so easily". I let out a sigh and replied "it's not that I'm giving up, I'm just getting tired of this". He looked at me with a smirk on his face and said "why don't we take a break and go to the arcade instead ?" I smirked back at him as a sign of "yes".

Tj's pov:
We were rushing out of the house and went towards my car which was parked outside Gina's home, until I stopped for a second. "I'm coming right back babe, give me a minute". I rushed back in the house while hearing Gina's irritated voice in the background. When I arrived back inside, I went to find Meemaw. When I had finally found her, I quickly went towards her and said "I'm taking our girl to the arcade. But don't worry, I'll bring her back home safely". I then kissed her cheek and ran out again.

"Where did you head off?" Gina asked irritated. "I went to let your mother know where we were headin', now quickly get in the car. We eagerly drove off to the arcade center. When we had arrived, we bumped into Sebastian and some of his friends. Gina got really happy and shouted out of excitement while running towards him and gave him a big hug.

I was behind Gina's back while they hugged and saw Sebastian giving me the "I've got my eyes on you" sign. His friends came over to me with excitement and said stuff like "it's been a long time" or "how have you been" or "how are things going". They also got introduced to Gina and kept on complimenting her precious beauty which bothered me a little, but I somehow managed to control my temper.

We all hung out together and played games like Pac-Man, The Simpsons, Sonic The Hedgehog, Donkey Kong, and much more. We laughed, we went crazy, we had fun. All of us drank at least five cans of coke each and played different games for hours. I noticed that Sebastian payed extra attention to me when he saw me being close to Gina, but I didn't let that stop me from having fun.

After a while, I tried to start a conversation with Sebastian to figure out how things were between us, saying stuff like "ey man, we haven't talked much. How are ya? How you doin'?" Sebastian looked at me as if he were about to rage out with anger. But he somehow managed to force out a smile to Gina and asked "Gina, could you excuse us for a second?" She agreed and we went somewhere she couldn't see, nor hear us.

"Look Tj, I'm going to be as clear as possible. We are NOT friends. I'm only trying to be nice to you for Gina and Emma's sake. But in reality, I still don't trust you. So stop acting as if we are friends, I don't want to have anything to do with you. Understood?" I had no words left after he said that. What was I supposed to say? He then gently touched my back with his hand while he went fowards as a sign to go back to everyone. When we had gone back, we saw gina laying on the floor beside the Pac-Man machine with her eyes shut.

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