106. The Hambone King! Queen!

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3rd person pov

"Okay" Tori said shakily as she came down the stairs with her pear pad in hand, "Somebody turn on the TV"

"Ill do it but only 'cause i want to" Jade said turning the tv on as Cat sat next to Andre who was next to Jade, on the other couch was Beck next to Cynthia, sitting next to Robbie who was laying on the couch with his watermelon

"What's this about?" Cynthia asked looking at her, "Just watch"

"Oh darn, looks like there's no place for me to sit" Trina said before sitting on Beck's lap, "5, 4-"

"Im up" Trina said looking at the older Valentine, who sat on Beck's lap, allowing Trina to sit next to him and Robbie

"Aw, that little girl looks just like Tori" Cat smiled looking at the tv, which was two little kids ham boning, "That little girl is Tori. Seven years ago"



"That's gross"

"Wow. You're really good"

"That's some top-notch hamboning" Robbie said looking at the tv as Tori sighed pausing the tv

"We were top-notch" she nodded placing her pearpad down, "Who was the little boy?"

"Jarold" Tori sighed as Cynthia dramatically gasped seeing no one talking, "Jarold Ardbeg! The mean kid who out-hamboned Robbie tonight!"



"That pre-turd?"

"His name is Jarold Ardbeg?" Andre asked as Tori nodded, "That's gross" Cynthia said shaking her head, "Poor kid"

"We were the best boy/girl hambone team in the Western United States. We were supposed to compete in the nationals"

"Do i have to hear this story again?" Trina asked rolling her eyes as Beck and Robbie shushed her, "Go on"

"Jarold was jealous of me because everyone knew that i was better at hamboning than he was! It drove him crazy! He started being really mean to me. He even wazzed in my Yellow Kitty purse. And then one day i-", she sighed shaking her head

"What happened?"

"I-i-i caught him hamboning with Susie McAllen" she said about to cry as they all looked at one another, "All right. Wait a second here. If you're better than Jarold, then lets challenge him to a hambone off" Andre said standing behind the couch as Robbie stood up

"You can avenge my defeat!"

"You dont have to"


"That's a great idea" they all began to say at once, "No, no, no, no, no. I cant" Tori said cutting them all off

"I haven't hamoned in years! But Jarold has never stopped! Its his whole life!" Tori said sitting where Andre once was, "I could never beat him now!

"Then train me. Train me to hambone better than Jarold Ardbeg" Robbie said looking at her as she stood up, "How bad do you want this?"

"Like on a scale of one to ten?" Robbie asked as she nodded, "Maybe Eight, Eight and a half"

"Then ill do it" she nodded as he hugged her

"This was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. I wanna go home" Cynthia said looking at the two as they broke apart

And so for the next week all the friends had helped Robbie train in hamboning, by running with him, or having him hit a ball, he hamoned to Cat tap dancing and a few more, and then he was finally ready

Cynthia was dressed in green cargo pants, a gray tank top and some brown UGGS, she stood with everyone else in the back of Nozu

"Hey!" 'Joe' called out to Beck, Jade, Cyn, Cat and Andre

"Looks like Shapiro aint gonna show up" Joe added as the five friends turned to him, "yeah? Well i was hey, Robbie'll be here" Andre said looking at him

"And you can count on that" Cynthia said crossing her arms over her chest, "Do you really think he's coming?" Beck asked looking at his girlfriend and best friend

"Probably not"

"I have no idea" they said at the same time, "Well he's late. Me and the king gotta catch-" but he was cut off as everyone cheered seeing Robbie and Tori

"Hey idiots!" Tori said walking over to Joe and Jarold, "You wanna talk or hambone?" she asked as everyone cheered

"Tori Vega"

"What's up, Jarold"

"You still made about me and Susie McAllen?" Jarold asked as the crowed "Oooed"

"You still pick your nose and eat it?"

"Dont waste your breath on her, king" 'Joe' said patting Jarold, "Oh! Him Merl" Tori smiled at 'Joe' now Merl

"I see you're still sniffin' Jarold's butt"

"Hey!" he said moving closer to her as Cynthia, Beck, Andre and Jade stepped closer, "That was a dare!"


"Easy, blondie" Andre said as Cynthia moved Merls hand out of her face

"This hambone battle is really scary" Cat said looking between Jade and Cyn, "We're about to watch two nerds compete by slapping themselves"

"I think we'll be ok" Cynthia said patting Cat's arm

"Jarold can go first" Tori said looking at him, "All right. Its on"

"Like a game of Mahjong" Robbie chuckled

"Please. Let me do the cool talk" Tori sighed looking at Robbie

"Good luck, Robbie" Cat smiled kissing his cheek

"Ready?" Merl asked as Robbie and Jarold sat down, "Im certainly ready"

"Bring it" Jarold nodded before her began to hambone, and then Robbie, Jarold, Robbie

"Look at Robbie work"

"He's doing great"

"he's got this"

Robbie was doing better than before when all the sudden something hit him in the face as he fell out of his chair everyone gasped

"Yes!" Jarold screamed getting up, "Wait!" Tori yelled grabbing something off of the floor

"One second! You threw this sushi at him!"

"Did not" Merl said looking at her, "Did too. You threw it and messed up his rhythm!" Tori yelled before throwing the sushi on the ground

"I-i can go again" Robbie said looking at the three, "No way. its over" Merl chuckled

"You cheated!"

"Still a sore loser, Vega?" Jarold smirked at her, "So, ah, any other pre-turds wanna take on the Hambone King?" Merl asked as Jarold picked up his chair, the two went to leave but Tori cut them off

"Hey! Ill take on the Hambone King" Tori said as everyone cheered, "Wait, Tori, you haven't hamboned in seven years" Cat said looking at her

"Well now i have a reason" Tori said before taking off her jacket and sitting down as Jarold sat down

"Call it"

"Hambone!" Jarold yelled as Tori went first, then Jarold, Tori, Jarold

It was Tori's turn, Merl grabbed a piece of sushi and threw it at her, "Tori!" Robbie yelled as Tori caught the piece of sushi in her mouth, kept hamboning

Tori stopped as Jarold went, "Oh, damnit. Wait!" Jarold yelled when he messed up

"Misbone! Misbone!" Tori yelled pointing at him as the crowed cheered for Tori

"The new Hambone King!"


"Hey! Hey!" Cat yelled looking at Merl, "What?" he asked as she went and blew in his face, "Blew back!" she giggled before running off

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