20. Ping- Pong Scam

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Cynthia pov

I was with Tori walking into school, we walked over to Andre, Cat and Robbie with rex.

"Oh hey"

"Hi guys" i said smiling

"Oh hey Tori, Cyn" Cat said hugging me.

"How's it going"

"what's up"

"Well after school i was thinking we should all go hang out at the grove" Tori said putting her phone in her pocket.


"oohh" they said making me confused.

"We really can't" Cat said making me look at her.

"And why not" I said squinting my eyes.

"Well uh we have ping pong practice" Robbie said making me look at him.

"Mhm hmm"

"Uh huh"

"shut up" Tori said smiling.

"Its true"

"Yeah, we're all on the ping pong team"

"Me, Andre, Robbie, Jade and Beck" Cat said making me look at her.

"Beck?" I asked confused, she nodded.

"Well he hasn't told me about a ping pong team that he's on" I said drinking my coffee.

''Besides there's no ping pong team at hollywood arts" Tori said making me nod.


"Listen, Tori, Cyn, um you guys are still kinda new here, and there's something that you just don't under-" but robbie stopped walking when he started sniffing Tori's mouth.

"What kind of gum are you chewing" He asked making me look at him weirdly.

"I don't know Sinjin made it"

"hm smells like that trip we took to acapulco last year" Rex said after sniffing Tori's mouth

"Oh you have mexican flavored gum" Cat said making me look at her.

"Uh babes mexican isn't a flavor"

"Thank you" Sinjin said whispering in my ear making me swat him away.

"Look if you guys dont wanna hang out with us then just say so" I said shrugging

"Exactly why make up a lie that you're all on some ping pong team"

"Hey cyn tori"

"hows it going"

"What up"

"Okay so now you're going to pretend like we're not having this conversation we're having" I said rolling my eyes

"About what" Cat asked confused

"The big ping pong team lie" Tori said grabbing her bag tighter.

"Look if you don't believe us then go to the rec room" Robbie said following me and Tori

"You can see all the trophies we've won" Cat said, as she and Andre also walked over.

"First place"

"Really" Tori asked closing her locker


"Then i wanna try out for the team" Tori said looking at them, making them all start wincing.

"Look if you wanna try out for the ping pong team then you have to talk to the team captain"

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