103. The Triplet Twins

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3rd person pov

"Shapiro to base"

"Robbie, use your first name" Cynthia spoke back to him over the walkie talkie, she was sitting on Beck's lap, who was sitting on a bin, "And stop calling us base" she added

"No, base" he said as she rolled her eyes, "I'm just outside of the security area, i see the alarm and the panel and a partially eaten Fat Cake on a desk.

"Aw!" Andre whined, "Just turn off the alarm!"

"On it"

"Do we think he'll make it?" Cynthia asked leaning into Beck, "Hopefully, i really gotta wazz" Trina sighed

"All right. Im at teh alarm panel.

"Then go turn off the laser beams" she said letting out a breath

"Tun off the laser beams" Robbie mimicked not knowing he was pressing the button

The group looked up as the light kept turning on and off, Robbie was messing with the lights not realizing two burglars were behind him

"Boo-woop!" he smiled before it dropped, "Well, well, well. What have we got here?"

"Oh" Robbie jumped turning to the two, "Hey, fellas"


"Yeah, hey"

"So what are you guys doing here?" Robbie asked looking at the two blondes, "We fixing to rob this store" the taller one spoke up

"Oh" Robbie nodded, "Oh. Oh, so you guys are like thieves" he said doing some jazz hands

"Uh-huh" the shorter nodded, "And now you're going to walk over there with us and open that safe" he added pointing behind them

"Me? Why?" Robbie asked shrugging, "So's we can get the money out of it" the one said as if Robbie was dumb, as the other one rolled his eyes

"No, no, i mean, why do you think id be able to open Wanko's safe?" Robbie said a little confused

"You work here"

"What makes you think i work here?" Robbie stuttered a little, "You calling me a liar?

"No! No, id never- listen. I'm just here with my friends. We're just trying to stay here overnight so we can be the first ones here for the sale tomorrow" Robbie explained looking between them

"You got fuzzy hair"

"Now, i just need to turn off the alarm so my friends and i can leave" Robbie said pointing to the alarm

"Oh, we cant let you leave" the taller one spoke up, "Nope, not now" the short one added

"Wh--why cant you let me leave?" Robbie stuttered, "Because you know we're burglars"

"You've seen our face"

"If we let you go, you might go to the police-

"-and get us arrested" they finished for one another

"NO! Oh God, no. I didnt even see your faces" Robbie said covering his face with his hands, "But you know our names" the taller one said

"No i dont"

"Well,  my name is Billy Triplet" the taller one said putting his hand out, "Dont tell me" Robbie said moving his hands off of his face

"And im his twin brother Barney Triplet" the younger smiled putting his hand out also, "No!"

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now