23. Survival of the hottest

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Cynthia pov

Today it was 103 degrees, so I decided to wear a crop top with high waisted black shorts.

I smiled walking over to the table, as Tori, Robbie, Rex and him were sitting.

"Hi guys" I said plopping down at the table.

"Why are you so happy" Tori asked as i shrugged "Not sure.

"Oh my god, I am so.....hot " she groaned.

"Ain't that the truth" Rex said making me snort, ignoring Beck who was looking at me.

We still haven't talked since his little secret phone call.

"What's the temperature" Beck asked as i was eating fruit.

"Well according to my pearpad 103" Robbie said as I looked over smiling seeing Cat.

"Hi, I'm really hot but I'm still in a good mood" Cat said sitting down while moving Robbie's giant ass Pear Pad.

"Robbie you done with that water" Jade asked coming at sitting down in-between Beck and Tori.

Whenever she ask why I haven't talked to Beck, I usually shrug it off and change the conversation or pretend to get a phone call.

"No" Robbie said grabbing the water.

"Give it to me" Jade said as Robbie gave it to her.

"What" Jade yelled at Tori as Cat looked at me.

"You okay with you know" she asked worryingly.

I nodded "Yeah it's fine, as long as I'm not really hot or really cold" I said playing with my fingers.

"Does it need changed or anything" she asked making me shake my head.

"No, I did after 3rd period" I said as she nodded hanging me a water a bag full of snacks.

"sup amigos, ami-girls?" Andre said coming over cutting me and Cats conversation off.

"What's all that money for" I asked confused.

"I set up a kiddie pool over there, and im charging people 5 bucks for five minutes" he said making us look over seeing Sinjin playing in the pool.

"Sinjin, you got three more minutes" Andre yelled to him making him yell "Okay" and splash around.

"Is it true that sweat and pee are like, cousins" Cat said making me shake my head.

"Oh kitty" I said drinking water.

"Man, how long is this heatwave going to last"

"As long as you ahve secret phone calls" I whispered but i think everyone heard me, as when i looked up they were all looking at me.

"They say until Tuesday"

"Why would they say that" Cat said making me hit my head on the table.

"Wow, it's up to 106 in the valley.

"Hey check Venice beach"

"Uh, Venice is only 91 degrees"

"Oh let's go there" I said shrugging.

"You guys wanna" Beck asked looking around.

"What blow off school" Jade asked confused.

"I can get with that" Rex said making me throw a grape at him.

"I meant Saturday, i could borrow my uncles pickup, hook it up to my RV, and we could all go to the beach.

"lets do it" 

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now