81. Jade and Tori's date

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3rd person pov

After Cynthia and Beck's "talk", Beck went to go talk to Andre as Cynthia made her way back to the stage seeing Tori, Jade and Sikowitz still talking

"This is our fifth rehearsal, and you two aren't getting any better at playing a believable husband and wife. Bufr, be quiet!" Sikowitz yelled turning around to look at Burf who was eating a mango

"You girls meet me for dinner at Nozu, tonight. 7:00 pm" Sikowitz said going to walk away as Tori looked at him

"But i dont want to-" She started as he turned around to look at her


"But, why are you-"

"At least let us-"

"See you both at Nozu at 7:00 pm" he said turning around and leaving as they all looked at each other

"That's my dad" Cynthia smiled getting up and leaving

"Why do i have to go though?" Cynthia asked crossing her arms over her chest as Jade and Sikowitz looked at her

"So Jade doesnt kill Tori" Sikowitz shrugged as Cynthia nodded

"Do i get free food?" She asked looking between them as they nodded

"Fine ill go, let me go change and we can head there" She said getting up from the couch and going to her room

"Girl does anything for food"

"I heard that!" Cynthia yelled from her bedroom

She put on a light brown mini skirt, a white crop top and an oversized white and brown flannel, with white Nikes

She made her way downstairs clipping two pieces of her hair together with a claw clip leaving the rest out

"Im readyy" She called grabbing a white purse, and brown sunglass putting them on

"You know it's almost night time right?" Sikowitz said looking at her

"And? It matches the fit" She smiled as Jade stood up, Cynthia grabbed her car keys getting in and making their way to Nozu

Sikowitz got there ahead of the two girls so he made his way inside, he scared Tori earing in her spitting her tea out everywhere

"I hate when you do that!" she yelled grabbing some napkins

"I know" he said laughing a little, he looked over seeing his daughter and her friend coming into the place looking around

"Theres Jade and Cynthia. Jade! Cyn! Over here!" he said waving his hand around as they began to walk over to him

"Why is Cynthia here?" Tori asked looking at her teacher

"So Jade doesnt kill you" Cynthia said sitting down next to Jade, as Jade sat next to Tori, with Sikowitz on the other side of Tori

"Okay, we're here. Why?"

"Because you two need to play a husband and wife believably"

"What does that have to do with Sushi?" Tori asked confused

"Listen, i once did a show where i had to play a man in great pain. So to prepare, i threw myself down a flight of stairs"

"Oh, my God! I remember that, i still have the video" Cynthia said laughing as she shook her head smiling

Possibility • Beck OliverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon