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Cynthia pov
9 years old

I ran downstairs to see my parents and three random man, i went and say down across from them smiling "what's going on mommy" I questioned tilting my head

She sighed "well, you've been through alot with you brother, etc, and we found a place in Australia that can help you"

I looked at them wide eyed "wha-what do you mean, daddy what does she mean" my dad sighed coming over next to me and crouching down "sweetie living like this isn't good for someone so young, and after your attempt to you know, so you're going to stay in Australia and were going to try and get your brother help"

I shook my head feeling tears crowd in my eyes, "No, daddy" I tried to reach for him when one of the 3 men grabbed me making me scream and kick.

"No daddy, daddy plea-" i was cut off by something being injected into my neck, making me slowly falling asleep.

Present day

Today I was going back to Los Angeles, from Australia where i have been for a few years.

While my sister goes to Hollywood Arts, and my adopted dad works there, i actually go to Sherwood with my sisters boyfriend Daniel or danny.

By the time i arrived to LA, it was already time for school, but i decide to go home and unpack.

Cat pov

When i got into school this morning, i was more happy and more giggly, when i arrived to Sikwoitz's class i could tell he was as happy as i was.

"What got you so happier than normal Cat" Andre asked making me giggle and Sikowitz smile

"Well, my twins coming back today, and i haven't seen her in years".

"Wait, i thought you only had a brother" Jade asked making me freeze thinking of him, but hurridley put a smile back on my face.

"No, i have a sister i just haven't talked about her in a while. Well, haven't sinck she was sent to Australia for trying to ki-" I was cut off by sikowitz yelling at me, I looked at him confused then went over what i said with wide eyes.

"What were you saying" Rex asked making me look at him "Nothing, i forgot".

"Does she go to school here" Jade asked making me shake my head "No, but i'm trying to convince her to go here, she's coming tomorrow for the showcase".

"so where does she go to school" Beck asked who has been weirdly quite this whole time

"Sherwood" I said making Jade groan "Isn't every person that goes there a rich, stuck up bitch"

"Jade" Sikowitz practically groaned, "Oh, sorry i forgot" We've been trying to get Jade to not cus anymore isnt really working.

"You should call her" Robbie said shrugging, while putting Rex on the chair next to him, I looked to Sikowitz who nodded, i shrugged getting my phone out and call her

Now calling cyn the twin <3

"Hi cyn"

       She giggle "Hi, cat shouldn't you be in class right now"

"I am. I'm in Sikowitz class, i was talking about you earlier to my friends and they wanted me to call you"

        "Hey kitty, i gotta go okay, ill meet the tomorrow, 143"

"Bye cyn, 143" I said hanging up.

"She seems nice" Andre said sitting back in his seat.

"Why do you guys say 143 when you end the call" I bit my lip not knowing if i should answer Beck, the truth was Cyn and I have been through alot which is why she went to Australia, we don't do well with saying "I love you" so we say 143.

Cynthia pov

When i woke up the next day Cat ran into my room, she jumped on my bed making me groan.

"Cat, what" I groaned pushing her off of me making her land on the other side of me

"Today's the showcase, you said you'll come remember" I bit my lip knowing i gotta go but also knowing today was one of those days.

"Of course, let me get dressed and we can go" I told her sitting up, she got off of my bed, skipping out of my room.

I walked down the stairs after dressing into a black dress and a cropped sweater over it with knee high boots.  (Or whatever you want)

"Are you ready Cat?" I asked grabbing my keys, she nodded.

We got into my car driving to the school, when we arrived she said she had to go to the back and i went to take a seat.

I sat in the front row next to a random puppet. "What up hottie" It said, i looked at it wide eyed "Uh hi?"

We somewhat talked me still being confused when all the sudden there was someone groaning about their tongue, I shrugged "so you go to school here" it asked, i looked at it "No, uh, do you".

He nodded "You should go here hot stuff"

I laughed nervously "I gotta uh use the restroom"

I got up going to the bathroom, when i walked out i ran into someone "Oh shit im sorry" they said helping me up.

"No, its my fault i wasn't looking where i was going" She smiled at me "Im Jade, you are"

"Im Cynthia" I said shaking her hand

"I think another persons about to go on, wanna watch it with me" she asked making me nod, rather her than the puppet

We walked into the auditorium, we sat where i was before, but Jade threw the puppet under her seat making me laugh.

The next person came on stage, when it ended everyone clapped, after a second the curtains opened again and the boy playing piano asked if the girl singing should go to Hollywood Arts making everyone clap and yell in agreement.

I left Jade, going into the Main hallway waiting for Cat "Ready go to kitty" I asked making her giggle walking over

"Yea let's go" She said linking our amrs.

We got into the car as i was telling her about the pupett, "Hey, you should come to my school for the day tomorrow, you can also see Sikowitz"  Cat said making me nod.

"Yeah, ill go. I haven't seen him since he came to visit with the adoption papers, after you told him everything" i spoke heading home

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