Chapter 16 The Adventurers

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"You lost what!" the loud voice of an old man said out loud.

His lackeys saw how the fire on his staff lit up brightly and lowered their heads in fright.

"We are sorry my master, I and my crew thought he was alone, and so we chose that moment to attack, not to kill my master. I was hoping to weaken him so that we could subdue and capture him," One of the men says apprehensively.

Although they couldn't see his face, the hooded old man irritated by his henchman responded in a ticked-off way. "Then explain to me why I've sent fifteen of you and only twelfth came back... To think I was hoping that you weaklings were going to do so well in your tasks, and you come back like a bunch of whipped dogs,"

"But my master, our target. The spartan wasn't what we thought he'd be, nor was he alone when we had fought him, there were others there... The first son, he was there as well," The henchman said shortly after their master finished speaking.

Just by hearing that phrase of the word the old man gripped the staff as a light of fire could be seen going around the cracked part of the wood. "Safran, of course, it would've been him... Fine, you four are lucky, I will not punish you for your failure. Tell me that you've at least got the other prey?"

"We do my master, however, there was some slight inconvenience. A child, a girl. She is a friend of the little girl, the lass saw the princess getting taken and managed to warn the others, so we took her as well," a henchman said to him.

"And why would take someone who is of no use to the plan?" The old man said running his hand through his beard.

"We didn't think much at the time my master. We just decided to take her because we were rushing to leave the building, besides she was a useful shield," The henchman says.

"I see, as long as you've all completed your tasks, unlike some of you... I will give you all a chance to prove yourselves next time, for if you fail, well, im sure you know what'll happen. Now begone!" the old man said as he watched every one of his lackeys depart from the chamber.

Afterward, the old man closed the door and locked it to make sure no one would disturb him. After that, he turned to a large and oval-shaped mirror. The old man or wizard could see his reflection in the mirror, and seconds later he watched as his reflection then slowly formed into that of a woman and watched as she stepped out into the opening feet first.

As he stood there patiently the old wizard watched on as the woman dressed in all red revealed herself after having to reform her figure. The woman finished with her display of masquerade she turned around slowly and reached up to pull her hood back giving the old man a look on her face.

"Why hello there wizard, how long has it been huh," The woman said with a sly remark.

"Hello to too as well Hellen. As much as I like to jape and jest with each other, I think we should get to business," The Wizard said as he led the woman to a nearby table.

"Is this about your attempted kidnap of the girl?" Hellen said as she sat up straight and looked at the old man.

"Yes... How did yo- Nevermind that. Yes, you are right, it is about the girl, however, there was a notable problem with the ones I've tasked with this mission. I've sent fifteen of my own man and only twelfth came back alive,"

"Twelfth, that's not a bad number, besides, those boys and girls knew what they signed up for. So I couldn't care less about what happened to them, with all due respect old wizard," Hellen said as she mockingly bowed her head knowing that the old wizard cared about his students.

"Oh, I know witch. And for assurance, this little girl happens to be the daughter of a certain queen, a grandchild to the empress. With her now under my arms, im sure the queen and her relatives will be scouting every part of the lands looking for her," The Wizard said as he could see a look of stupefaction on his guest's face.

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