Chapter 5 The Falling Stars

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Time: 2100 Military Time Calender
Normal Civilian Time: 9:00 Pm.

It was almost dark outside, and the sun had set for the last few hours. While the time on Earth and its colony worlds can be somewhat different from one another, vahrian was no exception to it.

The time the sun sets in the world of Vahrian is slightly different from that of the unsc many worlds. While those like the opacarophile may enjoy and value the study of what and when each colony world's sun sets, Vahrian was unlike some of them, just like some of the planets out there in the universe.

For example, the sun usually sets around six PM before night time in the west. While before it rises, the sun will come up for daylight around seven in the morning in the east. And in vahrian, while it orbits around its sun the light would at its earliest rise an hour early before six in the morning. But that does not mean that those of the unsc or people from Earth can anticipate every solution coming their way, for not everything can go their way.

A man shivers at the touch of the cold and turns to his other side, where a person is sleeping. He reaches over her with his arms and pulls her in to take advantage of her warmth, but it does not help much, so he turns back and searches lazily for his side of the blanket.

A strong gust of wind pushed open the room's wooden window, startling both couples awake.

"Rithinaian, what was that!" The man's wife said as she had the blanket wrapped around her.

Rithinaian gave his wife a perplexed look while cursing himself internally for not realizing that his wife would always take up the rest of the blanket. Regardless, he could not bring himself to hate her for that.

He scooted to the left side of the bed, yawning loudly, and searched for his sandals with his legs.

After finally finding it, he put it on and walked to the open window. He had to hold it open because the wind was pushing it inward as it continued to slam against the side walls.

Looking outside, all he could hear were the villagers conversing with one another. Some of them were seen rushing inside their homes as parents dragged their children inside with them. Rithinaian turned to look to the other side and noticed a couple of people yapping about something; while this was going on, some villagers fled from the guards, some of whom had been ignored.

Guards were escorting civilians to their homes, but some of them ignored their protector's orders and peered out their windows to look up at the night sky. Others who were busy keeping the people at peace were constantly going around trying to do their job in maintaining stability, there were too many villagers, they outnumbered the guards by more than a hundred, so the best they could do was to tell them to calm down and to return to their homes as they go and work on calming down the whole village.

Rithinaian peered down at a nearby guard and was about to ask what was going on when the door to his and his wife's chambers slammed open. Looking inside, both men and women saw a girl dressed in a Victorian nightgown running inside their rooms, followed by four other children.

"Children, what's gotten onto you!... Bai-

Before their mother could finish speaking, a little boy and girl of the same age ran up and crashed, nearly knocking her over.

Two guards stood at the entrance, one of whom offered to speak informally with his village chieftains. "I am sorry, chiefs; I tried to stop them!"

Rithinaian hugged his children and let them go to their mother. He then directed the two guards to report what was bothering the outsiders. "Guards, tell me what happened that caused the entire village to act in such terror?"

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