Chapter 15: Prepare.

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The festival was HUGE.

There was a main spot in one of the forests where most changelings and other species met up for the special holiday. There were plenty different foods and snacks that were made to look like the Sun or the Moon. Some stands had people doing other's makeup, some selling books with stories for both children and adults... overall, stuff to sell and do for the festival.

Susie was absolutely amazed. Honestly, I couldn't blame her, and I still can't. Being in a forest all your life meant most things were completely foreign, including big festivals. We didn't find Socket yet, he must have been in the large crowd. We did, however, easily spot Eiectio, even if he wasn't from our empire. Maybe he came here for the holidays? And... he held a young girl's hand, too.

Susie immediately spotted the kid, running over to Eiectio and the young girl, smiling in a pretty silly way.

" 'Tiooo! You didn't tell me you had a sister!"

"She... isn't my sister..."




"I'm not THAT old..."

Hearing Susie guess things in such a bad way was making my head hurt, although I had to admit, it was kind of funny. I went over and tapped Susie lightly on her shoulder.

"It could be his daughter?" I inquired.

"She... is, actually. I ado-"

"She's your DAUGHTER?!" Susie exclaimed. "Who's the mom?"

"No, she doesn't have a...-"

"Then how'd she pop into the world??"

"I adopted her," Eiectio finally managed to not be interrupted. "And I'm glad I did. She's the best daughter I could ever ask for."

Looking at the young girl, I realized she was hiding behind her father. I was... kind of dumbfounded; her species looked unknown to me, and I had no idea Eiectio had a daughter. Trying to be as nice as possible, I leaned down a little.

"Well, hi there! My name is Eliott, and the girl over there is Susie." I gestured to the happy Wyn beside me.

The young girl surprisingly stayed quiet, her tail wrapping around her father's leg. Ah, she was the shy type.

"No need to be afraid. What's your name?"

"...E... Eva. I'm Eva."

"Eva!" Susie exclaimed yet again, throwing her hands into the air. "That's so cute! I wanna jus pick you up n' put you in my pocket."

Honestly, that earned a little giggle from me, and Eiectio snorted lightly, too. The girl- named Eva- didn't seem too talkative, as she kept by her father's side while holding his hand. That was alright, everyone's a bit anxious or shy at times. Like father like daughter.

"Do you three want to check out the music? I think they're dancing," I made a hum sound.

"Ooh, ooh, yah! I wanna dance!" Susie nodded quickly.

Surprisingly, this caught the attention of Eva. Her wings twitched slightly and her blue eyes looked up to her father. I could've sworn I heard her silently say 'papa?'.

Eiectio blinked, looking to the dancers and then to Eva. In... all honesty, he looked like he was about to piss himself, but he gave a nod nonetheless. Dancing for his daughter... that was sweet. I sometimes wish I danced with my father if he was around when I was young, but it was just me and my mom. He's here now, but it isn't the same... so I feel a bit jealous. But in a good way!

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