Chapter 13: All for Nothing

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Eliott's POV

I nod in agreement, and now we've left that bar once again. I... still can't believe I just grabbed Alexander like that, what was I thinking? What kind of kind and gentle person would do that?
I'm not a bad person, I don't believe I was. At least, I hoped I wasn't.

...Now what? I felt so lost. I came all the way here for Alexander, I walked to this empire, only to find out he was happy being here. It was all so... disappointing.

"Uh... now what?"

Socket asks, looking up at me. He looked just as disappointed as I was, if not more disappointed. I knew almost every expression Socket could make, but this one just felt so... new. That look of hurt in his eyes just felt so saddening to see.

Susie seemed a bit saddened as well- she didn't understand what was going on, yet she followed me. She followed us, she just wanted some friends to come along with.

As for Eiectio, I feel bad for him too. He probably just wanted to make a friend, not deal with the problems we dragged him into...

I felt horrible. That wasn't just a waste of our time, was it?
But no matter how much I tried to deny it, I knew deep down it was. This was all just... for nothing.

"...We leave."

I speak softly, trying to push aside any anger or sorrow I felt. I needed to be strong for the rest of them.
The three looked surprised by my answer.

"Seriously? You're giving up, just like that?"

"Yeah! Then why'd we come here in the first place, we can't just leave!"

Susie and Socket were both quick to disagree. I mean, I don't blame them, this would be a waste of their time.

"And we made a new friend for nothing then!"

Susie added, clinging onto Eiectio's arm (yet having to go on her toes to try and reach it properly). It sort of lightened my mood, seeing the height difference between the two...

"I mean, we already completed what we needed to do. We came for Alex, and he's staying here, so there's no point."

"But it won't hurt to explore this empire a bit more, right? This place is huge! If Sumi was one danger, imagine all the other dangers that-"

"That's not our problem,"

I interrupted, my eyebrows slightly furrowed at Socket. I didn't want to lash out, but he needed a snap to reality.

"This isn't some kind of adventure. We came here, were disappointed, now we leave."

"It was an adventure! When you came over to my place to talk about this, I said and I quote, 'Sounds like a fun adventure'! So-"

"Socket. That's enough. We're going."

I simply began walking away, sighing deeply. Socket followed after but walked slower, staying behind.

I could overhear Susie whispering something to Eiectio, I assumed it was a goodbye before she caught up with us.
That was all for nothing.

It was late, and we finally made it back to our home empire. Since Susie had nowhere to go, I assured her she could stay with me.
After all, hospitality and manners are important, especially for a friend of yours.
I'd only known Susie for a day or two, yet she doesn't have anyone else and I didn't want to send her back into the forest.

I sat at the table with Susie, handing her a bowl of Scottish porridge I'd prepared. I didn't know how to cook much, but my mother taught me to make it- it's one of my favourite things to make.

We both sat in silence, eating quietly. Susie seemed to like it... at least I hoped she did. We didn't utter a word the entire night.

Well, when we were trying to sleep, that's when Susie decided to talk to me.

"Hey, Mr. Emperor... what's it like, y'know, being an emperor?"

She turned from the bed and asked me, kicking off the blanket she had on.

"...Well, I haven't been emperor for long, but it's nice-" I turn to her, "-Why do you ask?"

"I mean, it must be cool. You have so much authority over people, you can make them do anything and-

"Well not anything, that's not what being an emperor is about." I interrupted. "-It's about using your authority to help others, and make your home a better place, you know?"

"But what if it isn't your home?"

"Anywhere can be home. Home is somewhere you feel comfortable and happy, not the place you were born in."

"I think my home is with my friends. Like with you, Sock, Eiectio..."

"...I agree, Susie, I agree."

"Do you ever feel like you're lost from home?"

"No, I don't,"

I look to the ceiling, smiling.

"I'm not lost as long as I know who I am, and what I want."


Susie nodded, turning to the side with her back facing me. It honestly felt like I could feel her smile, even if I didn't see her face.

"...Thanks for that. Nighty-night,"

"Goodnight, Susie."

I sighed, rolling over. I tried to sleep, but,

I couldn't shake off the feeling something was wrong. I mean... Sumi was murdered, right after a failed attempt of poisoning someone. It couldn't have been a murder from someone in the group, as we were all together. And she couldn't have done it herself either.

Then what caused it? It was done in under an hour, too... something still felt off. It wasn't even my business anymore, I had no reason to worry about those things, right? Then why did I have a lingering feeling that something was going to happen?

Something... horrible?
I was probably superstitious or wary of my surroundings... maybe I was still dealing with the grief of Alex's change in personality.
Yet for that entire night, I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't.

I'm going to need to ask around the empire for people who may know about Sumi.

~ Yumeiseki Empire ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ