Chapter 11: Mercy, Please

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(A/N, TW

Sumi Kohana's POV:

I overhear the conversation between those 4, my face scrunching in anger.
Goddamn you, whoever you are. You ruined my plans. Emperor is going to kill me.

I don't even know how that man managed to know what it was, was he some kind of scientist? Poison expert?

We don't even HAVE much poison in the empire! And the thing is; I barely heard his stupid voice. I can't tell who it was.

Whatever. I'll report back to the emperor. I'm sure he'll show me some mercy.

I arrive at the emperor's throne room, looking up at him. I wait for his command to speak, keeping my head low.

"Ah, Sumi, hello again." I hear Alexander's voice echo through the giant room, I'm sure he's greatly happy to see me!

I love hearing his voice and seeing him every day, I'm so glad I took up his offer to be here...

"Sum-Sum! How wonderful to see you again, how are you?" I hear the emperor's cheerful tone of voice like I can hear him smiling through his joyful way of speaking only.

"We expect you carried the mission we gave you, is that correct, Sumi?" Alexander asks me, his voice going from neutral to more questioning voice.

"..I apologize for my foolish behaviour, my Emperor. I have not been able to carry out the mission you have assigned me. Someone who was alongside that man, Exlander, found out what I had spilt."

"..And how did you spill the poison, Sumi?" Alex asks me, I can see him tilting his head in the corner of my eye.

"Exlander accidentally bumped into me, spilling some of the poison. He didn't know what it was, which is why I assume he offered to buy me another of that."  I answer, a single drop of sweat from my forehead falling to the floor.

"..Sumi, I'm disappointed."

The emperor chimes in, his cheerful tone of voice no longer apparent. Oh Medina, now I know I messed up.

"So am I. Yet, Sumi, you get another chance. This time-"

"No, she will not. Do not speak yet, Alexander."

Alex suddenly went quiet, and... I feel even more nervous than before. More drops of sweat went down my face, my breathing quickening with each moment passing by.

The emperor's voice is full of.. bloodlust, sort of. It feels like he has nothing but pure hatred for me, nothing but fury in him.

"My Emperor, forgive me for failing, I-"

"Silence. You will not speak unless I say so, do you understand?"


"Do you understand?"

"...Y-Yes, si-"

I earn a slap across the face.

"Incorrect. I just said you do not speak unless I tell you to."

"But sir, I-"

I earn another slap across the face.

"How will-"

And another. My cheeks feel sore already.

"You will simply nod or shake your head. The weak don't have opinions or rights in this world. They only can be stomped on by the strong."

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