(A/N! Descriptions!)

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(Since most of you don't know what the characters in this book look like, I'll give the ones we know descriptions on how they look! (I havent drawn them yet..))

Long white hair that reaches his chest.
He usually keeps his hair in a ponytail, while one part of his hair covers his left eye.
His eyes are a purple color, and he has a hooked nose.
His eyebrows are sort of thick, and he has a small tooth gap between his front teeth.
He wears a blue coat, a pair of pants that have a sort of red or magenta color, high boots and bandages around his chest.
Oh, also hes black and rather tall! (In this story, all elves are quite tall. I'm aware elves are an overused trope in fantasy media, but... c'mon. He's cute.)

Hes a changeling, so his appearence is rather unique
He has blue skin and fluffy blonde hair.
His eyes are basically pitch black and have an almond shape.
...i dont know how to explain his mouth...
He has underdeveloped wings, which is a disability that applies to changelings.
He wears a pointy red hat, a red scarf to match with it, blue shorts (does it ever get cold for him?) And a normal pair of brown shoes.
He also has pointy ears.
(Fun fact about him, Eliott was his first friend!)

Unlike other Wyn, her skin is white instead of a grey/black color.
She has blue spots and markings over her face.
She has black eyes and blue pupils.
Her white hair is rather long and formed into a braid.
Unlike most Wyn she doesn't show much skin, wearing a white coat with long sleeves, a dark blue dress that reaches her knees, a small hair accessory to pull back her hair, and some wintery boots.
(Fun fact about her, she eats pickles as a snack, for some reason...?)

She has brown hair with purple eyes and black pupils.
She wears an oversized purple coat with long sleeves, has a black shirt and some layered skirts.
Her color palette consists of mostly purple and blue, along with a little bit of yellow.
Her hair is poofy and long, which she usually keeps down, but having two small ponytails on the side of her hair.
Shes also rather short.
(Fun fact about Sadia, she's a detective and has been kidnapped by Lendro tons of times!)

He's a tall black man who wears a star eyepatch covering his right eye, (Yet, no one really knows why.)
His hair is long, brown, and he has a small high ponytail. He does have a streak of his hair colored orange.
He wears a (REALLY SHORT??) orange coat with that like, white poofy stuff some fancy coats have (what do you call those?)
He wears a black shirt with a chest opening, black pants with a chain on the side, and tall black boots.
He also doesnt have any sleeves, and wears gloves (again, we dont know why. For style??)
His eyes are a sort of yellow-ish orange? With brown pupils.
(Fun fact about him, he's Spanish and is an assassin!)

If YOU want your characters to be referenced in my book, go ahead and tell me! (I do it for frEee)

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