Chapter 14: Having a Wyn around isn't easy

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The next morning showed up.

I hadn't slept well- that lingering feeling in the back of my head made me stay awake all damn night.

And... Susie's snoring did, too.

I shuffled in my bed, eventually sighing and getting up. I looked at the clock hung up in the room, it was only 6 B.P. Too early, especially if I didn't get much sleep. But, for some reason, if I woke up, I couldn't sleep again. It would most likely ruin my schedule too.

I could at least take the chance to make some breakfast or something, like always. My mom's hands were always rough because of how much she worked. I used to help her a lot, too, with crops and all that. However, after becoming emperor of my home, we didn't have much of a reason to do that anymore.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes a little too hard, my vision blurring and tons of colours blocking it. But, as always, it left after a few seconds. I looked over at the still-snoring Susie and fixed her blanket, properly putting it over her. The least I could do for a friend is make sure they wouldn't freeze... not in those temperatures!

I had left the room, slowly creaking the door open and slowly closing it once I got out. I went downstairs and first made myself some Scotch eggs. I'd recommend it to everyone. After doing so, I sat down at our kitchen table and turned my gaze to the calendar. Every event that occurred, birthdays, holidays, and even when my friends had to get a haircut, everything was written on there. I couldn't afford forgetting something and looking like a fool when someone asked me what special day it was. 

And, look at that- Saules un Mēness diena. In other words, "The Day of the Sun and Moon", was a widespread holiday for many people. It was most popular for changelings, meaning Socket would be celebrating it. Even though we had an... well, not an argument, per se, but a disagreement- surely he would want to celebrate it. Every year he'd come to my door with face paint and paint suns and moons on both of us and Alexander.

I miss those times. 

I sighed, noticing quite a while had gone by. I got up and went to my two sisters' room, kissing their foreheads. They were annoying from time to time and begged to do my makeup because they thought I looked "pretty enough for it"... which I never really got. But hey, it must be a compliment, surely? I liked to believe it was. My sisters were unpredictable and made friends almost daily, then expected me to remember all their friends' names. I tried, with a long list, but I stopped writing after the 6th friend.

After doing some chores, I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. So, SO much dirt on them. It was gross and I couldn't bear the thought of germs on my skin. I wasn't fond of them.

It had been around 30 seconds of washing my hands. It didn't sound like a lot, but setting a timer, 30 seconds felt like a lot more.

I put the soap down and looked at my hands. I missed a spot.

I picked up the soap again, it almost slipping out of my hand. I kept washing and did it thoroughly this time. Those pesky germs weren't staying on me. Surely, they would be cleaned after that. It'd been a minute. My mom always scolded me for washing my hands way too much. Believe me, I knew it was irrational, but I couldn't help myself. I'm sure everyone would believe it was normal... because it was.

After I heard clanking in the kitchen, I stopped the running water and dried my hands on the towel, leaving the bathroom and peeping into the kitchen.

And there was Susie- overflowing the water because she was... making something by pouring detergents into a bottle.

"Susie," My voice sounded a bit too stern, so I had softened it. "...What are you doing?"

"Making a potion!" Susie said happily, not making eye contact.

"If you want an actual potion, you can just... buy one?"

"Yeah, but this is more fun!"

"...Susie. You can't even drink that."

Susie turned to me with a smug grin, picking up the container with the mixed detergent in it. "Can't I?"


"Ca~n't I?~"

I snatched the 'potion' out of her hands, and before she could complain, I handed her a candy wrapped like a strawberry. She didn't say a word and immediately took it, chewing on it happily. Well, at least that's over with...

"Why'd ya wake up so early, anyway?" Susie spoke while still chewing the candy, rather loudly.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Why not sleep again?"

"I can't... and, it's the Day of the Sun and Moon."

"The huH?"

"Day of the Sun and Moon?"

"Never heard of it!" Susie said cheerfully before pausing. "But it sounds cool!"

I sighed. Maybe it was a good idea to bring her with us. Me, Socket and Susie, painting each other's faces with paint, drawing suns and moons and going to get food or go to an event.

Just like how it used to be.

I mean, Susie did look similar to Alexander. If she looked a bit more royal, then maybe, she could have been...

...What am I thinking?

I was... horrible for even trying to make Susie appear as someone else. Plus, that was in the past, I couldn't change it anymore. I should have just wanted to have some fun with my friends. I'm a good person. I believe that.

"Me and Socket usually go to events on this day," I began to speak up. "Do you want to come with us?"

Susie perked up immediately, nodding quickly and swallowing the candy I gave her.

"Yeah, yeah!"

"Alright, let's go, then, pack your stuff."

"Hurry uuupp!!"

I heard Susie shout at me, almost enough to wake up my youngest brother- who, mind you- was a baby. I made sure to lock the door to my room, turn off the stove and toaster, make sure I had enough money, and-

"I said hurry!"

"I'm coming!"

I shouted back, sighing and running outside while panting. I looked back, and honestly, I wasn't sure I turned off the stove...

"Did I turn off the stove?" I asked, slightly furrowing my eyebrows. "I have to check..."

"You did! I saw you check like ten million times! Come on already!!"

Susie shouted at me. She took my hand while trying to pull me away from the house, and- she was surprisingly strong...

"Fine, fine! If my house burns down that's your fault, though,"

I huffed, rolling my eyes. 

Happy day of the Sun and Moon.

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