Chapter 12: Friends do lie.

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Eliott's POV:

Damn siren, I knew she shouldn't have been trusted. She tried to poison my own best friend, and she thought she could act all innocent.

I'd find her, and I'd make her pay the price. A big one.

I continued walking angrily, my facial muscles not moving from their angry expression one bit. Socket looked determined, too, just as he should have been.

I guessed that she would have gone to that bar from the other night before since she was probably finding more victims to seduce.

So, that's exactly where I went with the other three.

And just like that, we were in the situation we were before.
Rustling of people dancing and talking, yet this time, I wasn't overwhelmed by the crowded room.
I admit, I didn't like closed spaces, I still don't. But I felt all my fears suddenly disappeared,

Because I was filled with anger. Pure rage.
They say hatred isn't a good thing to have, and I agree. But honestly, that's what drives a person. That's what truly shows you who they are.

Humans are like hard candy. They have many layers to them.
But to see what they're made of,

You must break them.

I spot two people sitting down, one of them having the features of Alex.
Listen, I know we already dealt with him, but he'd know where Sumi is.

'Oh, but there's no way he'll tell you where Sumi is!'

I knew. I knew very well.
It didn't matter if he was my 'best friend',
Or an 'emperor',
I was going to get that answer out of him. Either peacefully,
Or I'll beat him to a pulp.

"Alexander," I call to him, yet, I didn't get an answer.

..Was he seriously ignoring me?!

"Alexander!" I call out again, giving him a tap on the shoulder.
He turned to me- his face pale and his eyes half-lidded.

"Oh.. *hic* Exlander.. what a so very pleasant surprise..."

I barely understood a word from him; his words were slurring together. I never took him as the type to drink, as a kid, he was very against it.

...He did change a lot, didn't he? But I'm getting off-topic again.
Was he even in the state to answer any questions of mine?

"Alexander, where is Sumi."

"Huh? *hic* Come again?"

"Sumi. Sumi Kohana, walked behind you when you saw Susie."


"Alex. Get yourself sober and hear me carefully, I'm talking about SUMI."

"Ohhh... Sum.. *hic* She's dead."

My eyes widened in surprise.
..Dead? So soon? I could have sworn I saw her a few hours ago!

Socket overheard, muttering something I couldn't hear.

"What do you mean 'dead'? I saw her a few hours ago."

"None of your- *hic* -business, Exlander."

And, something snapped.
I grabbed Alex by his shirt collar, leaning into his face;

"Alexander. I've known you for years and you will tell me how Sumi died.
I don't want to wipe the floor with you in front of everybody here."

"Let- go of me, Exlander!" Alex spat out at me, his face scrunching in anger.

I froze, plenty of eyes on me now.

..What was I doing? I went there for Sumi, not to threaten my childhood best friend.

"..I'm... sorry." I let go of Alex, keeping my hands to myself. I hold Socket's hand, trying to get out-

...But Susie and Eiectio, they were right behind me.
Oh, Medina, not again.

Eiectio's POV:

Where is Susie,

I completely lost her, and I can't find her anywhere! I'm getting weird stares from people-
There are way too many people, oh my Medina.

...Hold on, there she is, who's that she's talking to?

"Oh, hello beautiful. What are you doing all alone?"

"I lost my friends, that's all!"

"Really? Such a cute girl like you shouldn't be all alone. You wanna come with me until you can find your friends, princess?"

"Uhh.. sorry, um-"

I grab onto Susie's arm, looking down at the man. My jaw clenches enough to crack my teeth, veins on my arms and probably my face, too.

"Who are you? Are you her boyfriend or something?"

"...I am. Get out of here, she's not interested."

"Really? Seemed to me she was pretty interested, buddy."

The man tries to grab Susie, and.. my body acts on its own.
I punch the man across the face with as much force as my body held, throwing him back onto the floor.

Susie is now behind me, desperately grabbing onto my arm. She doesn't say a word, only watching.
I don't feel her shaking or sweating, so I assume she thinks this is entertaining.

I pull Susie by her arm back to Eliott, who was easy to find due to his height.

..WHAT did I just do?! I punched someone across the face?! What on earth was I thinking??

Susie looks up at me after a small moment of silence, smiling widely.
Are those also sparkles in her eyes?

"That.. was awesome!! I can't believe you punched that guy across the face like that!"

"..I..I.. um..."

"Ouh, are you like, a trained boxer or something?? Or a part of a gang?"

"..No, you see, uh..."

"What about-"

"UGhhh, c'mon lovebirds, we have stuff to process here." Socket tells us,

I feel my face heating up. I shake my head, no words escaping my mouth.

"What's lovebirds?" Susie asks us, tilting her head to the side and seeming genuinely confused.

"Pfft, you two basically."

"Ouhhhh, okay!"

I sigh.
Eliott seems disinterested in this entire thing, only looking down at the floor with his eyebrows furrowed.

"..Guys, we should.. um, head out now..." I suggest, Susie still clung onto my arm as she nodded.

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