Chapter 5: Change of thought.

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"He's gone to the other Empire,"

I finally managed to murmur.

Socket and Susie both snapped their heads toward me, looking at me as if I were delirious or insane. I couldn't blame them.

The other Empire was... something.

No one spoke of its name. Exactly why it was that way, no one knows. Some spread rumours saying its name was based off an old curse, and saying it aloud would cause horrible luck to you and your family.

Some would say the name is as old as time, and no one knows of it in modern days. I'm not sure what I believe myself.

"So... are we gonna go to the...?" Socket cleared his throat to emphasize the other empire. "There? We're gonna go there?"

"Yeah, dumbass, we're finding Alexander, aren't we?!" Susie facepalmed.

"I know that! I just don't want to!"

"Don't be a baby!"

...And here I thought the mission would be easy...

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