Chapter 1: Disappearance

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This chapter is now re-written!
Eliott's bond with his family is more fleshed out and the pacing is better, I think. The chapter is less short overall.

I looked at the people surrounding me, my people. I had become the new emperor.
My mother's eyes filled with happy tears and my father smiled softly, I knew he was proud of me.

When I came home, everyone had started throwing a celebration. Even Socket- who I thought was busy- had left work to come and celebrate. Same guy I always knew.

When I returned home, everything was silent at first. The lights were all off. I was confused, of course, so I turned them on. Everyone had jumped and yelled 'surprise', scaring the ever-living hell out of me, but it was worth the scare.

At the dinner table, many had brought me gifts, including my twin sisters who never liked to go buy things for anyone other than themselves.

I felt a little guilty, I have to admit. So many gifts because I had been chosen as the new Emperor... being able to take responsibility for my home was reward enough. Yet, my family being the generous people they are, insisted on me taking the gifts and taking good care of them.

"You all really didn't have to do this," I chuckled, tucking a few strands of white hair behind my ears.

"You can quit being humble for ONCE in your life, you know,"

My best friend snickered, earning a giggle from my mother as well. Socket was well-liked in my family, we'd always hung out when we were young.

For some odd reason, Alexander didn't come. He must have been busy with work. He'd been distant lately, and it worried me, but I supposed we could catch up when he was free.

We sat down and enjoyed the food my dad prepared for me. Socket initially wanted to decline any food, but knowing how skinny he was, I insisted he participate with us. I did earn a small huff, but it's for the better of his health.

After the party, I wrote letters to friends and family far away, as I often kept in touch with them. I specifically wrote to my grandma often, as she lived in the empire close here. She would always throw in little trinkets and flowers she found with the letters, and I, of course, would write back with the same glimmering enthusiasm and joy she held.

As I lay there in my bed, taking a glance at my room to make sure everything was organised, I heard something. A knock, was it? Perhaps it was my family doing something stupid, but I figured this time I would try and rest.

A knock once again.

No, that wasn't my imagination or my sisters. I got up from my bed, making sure not to step on any of the creaking floorboards. I went downstairs and opened the front door slightly, just so I could peep through. Opening the door wide open would be a dumb decision.

To my surprise I saw a gnome, seeming concerned and in a state of utter panic. She was shifting her weight from one leg to another, face scrunched and doused in sweat. It was the middle of the night and if it weren't for the dim light coming from the lamp I wouldn't have recognized her at all, but it appeared she was Alexander's co-worker.

"Ma'am, is everything okay? Has a problem occurred?" I asked, my eyebrows knitting together slightly in concern.

It took the woman a moment to speak. She swallowed heavily and nodded frantically, looking up so her gaze met mine.

"Indeed, Emperor Eliott! Alexander... he has gone missing!"

I widened my eyes. Missing? Out of the blue? The same night I had become emperor, he vanished. Before I could ask anything, the woman continued (most likely recognizing my confusion).

"He was late to work today, which is not like him," She continued. "We assumed he overslept and waited. The concern started when he didn't show up at all, or even inform us if he was sick! When I went to check up on him, I found the door unlocked and, and-"

She kept stumbling and stammering, so I softened my eyes. I hoped my expression could show she could take her time. She did seem to slow down a little, so I suppose my message got through.

"He had vanished! Not a single trace of his left, other than his worn-out clothes. I don't know, I..."

I nodded. She didn't need to say any more.

I wasn't sure what course of action to take. I could have put up missing posters, sure, but if he had suddenly vanished so quickly, I doubt he's in safe hands. He must have been taken.

I knew Alexander and Socket like they were family, and I knew Alex wasn't the type to just disappear. Well, no one was. I couldn't sit back and have my friend be possibly killed in the future, so I decided to do something that may or may not have been an illogical idea;

Take Socket with me and find Alexander.

I admit, it was late and Socket probably wasn't awake at that time. But he was the only one who knew Alex on the same level as I did.

I nodded and put a hand on the woman's shoulder, smiling as best as I could.

"I'll take care of the issue. Please inform the town about the disappearance and ask the people to be on the lookout."

"I understand," She whispered, voice barely audible.

I lazily put on a coat and wrapped it around myself. I looked back, and I spotted my sisters sneakily watching. They noticed I saw them and peeped their heads behind the wall again.

"I saw you two," I sigh.

"No, you didn't," I heard Kaana mumble, "We're not here."

"Yes, yes you are."

"Who was that?"

"It's a coworker of my friend's. I'm going to find him."

"Is it Alex?" Kanary chimed in.


I nod my head, already taking a step out the door.

"You two should go to sleep."

"Can you tuck us in?" Kaana huffed. "We kinda ruined our bedsheets."

I sigh.



I knocked on Socket's door, shuddering a little with the cold weather. I probably should have worn more than just a coat... maybe a scarf. Or gloves. My hands were freezing. Thankfully Socket didn't take long to answer; he was a light sleeper, as most changelings are.

Opening the door, Socket's blond hair was messy and the red cone hat he usually wore was messily put on. I found the sight a bit amusing; a small smile prodded at my lips. Socket put on his hat before he decided to talk to me. Go, figure.

"Eliott..? Yeesh, it's like 2 in the morning, what happened?" Socket rubbed his eyes, slightly yawning and letting me inside.

I decided to get straight to the point. I usually beat around the bush beforehand, but this case was different.

"Alexander is missing."

"What? Did I imagine that or did I really hear it?.."

He sat down next to me, knowing this would be a serious topic. I always liked that about him, he knew when to be serious and how to listen. Although, I could see him start to fidget with his hands in worry.

"Hey, it's alright," I reassure him, holding his hand. "-That's the reason I'm here; to ask if you'd like to help me find him."

"Sounds absolutely insane and one of us will probably die along the way. I'm in."

He chuckled, pushing aside his concern for our friend and getting up and grabbing some things. I got up, fixing my coat.

"I'll see you tomorrow at 9:30, get some rest and grab things we'll need. I'll do the same and see you there."

"Gotcha, M'Lord."

"Don't call me that..."

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