🍷Chapter 29🍷

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3rd POV:

Minho had asked Jisung on a date and of course he was excited so he told everyone and agreed when Felix asked to join.

At the restaurant Jisung sits next to Minho with Felix sitting across from them. As the younger two converse Minho sits back and gulps down a whole glass of wine before speaking up.

"Ok. Are we not going to address the elephant in the room? How can you two act so normal? This is weird isn't it?"

"I don't think so. Do you think so Felix?"

"Don't worry Minnie. We're all good."
"Sigh. I'm gonna need another drink."

As the date went on for dessert Jisung and Minho share a chocolate lava cake with Felix watching.

"Have you always been this messy?", the older wipes Jisung's face with his napkin.

"Guilty.", he laughs and Minho rolls his eyes.
"Are you done?"


They all leave and walk the night through the city. The younger two were each on opposite sides of Minho with their arms wrapped around his.

"What should we do next Minnie?"

"Go home."
"And watch a movie? Sounds great! What do you think Lixie?"

"I would enjoy that very much."
They then run into Hyunjin and his sister.

"Felix I haven't heard from you in a while."
"You should learn to take a hint.", Minho says.

"No it's ok. I forgive you Hyunjin but we can still be friends if you want."

"Oh. Uhm no thanks.", he walks past them with his sister following.

"Oh and Hyunjin. One more thing.", Minho suddenly punches him in the face and he falls on the ground.  

"Touch him and even insult him again or anyone and you'll know how it feels with your foot in your asshole you asshole."

He walks away.

"You're not going to do anything?", Hyunjin asked.

"Nope. You had it coming. I told you to keep it in your pants. Your fault you didn't listen.", his sister leaves him.

"Wow Minho. That was so fucking hot. You had me shaking.", Jisung said.
"Watch your mouth."

"You didn't have to do that.", Felix adds.
"I wanted to. Now cheer up. We have a movie to watch."

"So cool."
"Ok that's enough. No more fangirling."

On the way home Jisung didn't stop which made the older slightly annoyed but he was a little flattered.

In the middle of the movie Felix falls asleep on the older's lap while Jisung lies awake on his shoulder.

"I hope you had fun Minnie."
"It wasn't too bad. And I don't like that nickname."

"Would you like it if I kissed you?"
"No. And why did invite Felix?"

"He wanted to come. I guess it should've been just the two of us. Then I'll have you all to myself.", he leans closer.

"Not a chance."
"Does Felix like you?"
"I like him."

"Oh. What about me?"
"You're ok."
"Ok? What does that mean?"

"We can be friends."
"So you're saying that you have no feelings towards me at all?"

"Don't make sound bad. I still like you."
"So you asked me to go out for what?"

"Felix told me to."
Jisung moves away and hides his face.

"Are you crying?"

"It's fine. I was born to be alone. All by myself with no one to..love me."
Minho feels a guilt inside and pats his back for comfort.

"Sigh. I didn't drink enough for this. If I let you kiss me will that make you happy?"

"Gasp! Really?!", he lights up.
"Shh. You weren't even crying were you?"

"Nope but you can't take it back."
"Let's get this over with."

Jisung rests his hand on the older's cheek and leans in until the gap between them closes. Jisung becomes the dominant one and makes the kiss heat up by inserting his tongue.

Minho didn't pull away instead he slowly eased into it and did the same. The younger trails down his neck leaving rough kisses which made Minho let out a small moan.

"Gasp! Stop.", he stands waking up Felix.
"Is the movie over?"

"I-I'm going to bed.", he hurries to his room.
"Is he ok?"

"More than ok.", he grins to himself.
"Did he have fun?"

"I'm sure he did. He said he likes you. Is it true that you made him do this?"

"You told me you liked him but he likes me and I didn't want to take him away from you."

"Well he doesn't want to date both of us together."
"Why not?"

"He doesn't like threesomes."
"What is that anyway?"

"It's when three people have sex together."
Felix takes a moment to process that.

"How would that work?"
"Very simple. Take turns or go all in at once."

"In what?"
"Did Chan teach you anything?"
"Some things."

"He must be boring."

"What are you?"
"I'm the one who likes to be on top. The dominant one."

"And who am I?"
"I don't know. Only you do."
"I don't know either."

"So much for you to learn. I can teach it to you."

Minho comes back out.
"Can y'all stop talking about that and go to bed?!"

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