🍥Chapter 15🍥

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I hear a knock at the door.

"What is it?"
"Felix can we come in?", asked Chan.

"No. I'm not looking too great."
"You overheard us didn't you?"
I didn't reply.

"You do understand why we were hesitant to tell you right? We don't want you to be upset."

"I understand. You guys do everything to help me with my problems. No amount of actions can thank you enough. I love you guys and I'll be the only one to blame if anything happens to either one of y'all. I don't want to leave. I'll stay here with you if you'll let me."

"Of course we'll let you. You're one of us now and we love you too."

It's been so long since anyone has ever said that. I almost didn't believe it. I wiped my tears and stood up before opening the door.

"I'm sorry."
"No we're sorry. Will you forgive us?"

"Of course I do." We all went in for a group hug that lasted a few minutes.

"Just promise me one thing.", I pull back.
"What's that?"

"He will come back so promise me you all will be careful. Until I'm well enough."

"We promise."
We hug warmly again.

"Sorry to break up the moment but physical touch isn't my thing.", Minho steps back.

"Oh. I didn't know that."
"Yeah hyung hates people touching him.", says Jisung.

"I don't hate it. It's just...so I can my emotions under control. Can we talk about something else?"

"Ooh. Let's watch a movie.", Jeongin suggested.
"That's a good idea. What do you say Felix?"

I glanced at all of them and smiled.
"It sounds perfect."

Next morning when everyone went to work Jeongin stays with me on his day off. We sit in his room coloring.

"Wow you're good.", I say.

"Thanks. I find coloring to be fun."
"It is. It's the first time I've done this in years."

"Out of everybody here I feel the most sympathy for you."
"Oh you shouldn't. I'm doing fine."

"I can tell. I'm glad you decided to stay with us because I...I really like you."

"I like you too."
"Do you wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure. To where?"

"Wherever the wind takes us."
"Haha ok."

We went outside and started walking to an unknown destination. It was a beautiful day and a little warm to be wearing a sweater.

"So how did you meet Chan?"

"It was a few years ago. In short I was abandoned and then Chan found and nursed me back to health."

"Were you sick?"
"Uh in a way. Mentally. But now I'm not cause you're here."

"Well that's good."

"Aren't you hot in that sweater?"
"A little. But I can't wear anything else."

"I can get you some more if you like."
"That's ok. Don't waste your money on me."

"I'm not wasting it. You're a friend and that's what friends do."
"I didn't know that. I thought it had to be a special occasion."

"Nope. We can we matching clothes too."
"Sounds like fun. Let's do it."

After shopping we wore out matching sweaters and headed home. I started to feel raindrops on my face.

"Did you feel that? I think it's gonna rain."
"Yeah. We should hurry."

Suddenly it pours.
"Let's go!"

Jeongin takes my hand and we ran back to the house as we laughed. We entered the house soaking wet.

"That was fun."
"Hah~ it was."
"Gasp! My bandages!"

I walked carefully up the stairs and went into the bathroom.
"What is it?"

I took my sweater off then turned my back to the mirror.
"Aw they got wet. Minho isn't here so can you help me change them."

"Ok. How do I do it?"
"Wait. Let's take a shower first."
"Good idea."

We take a quick shower before meeting back together. I tell him what to and how to apply the bandages after.

"Do they scare you?", I asked talking about my stitches.
"No. I can't help but worry though. Does it hurt?"

"I have medicine for the pain."

"Are these bruises from..."
"Yeah..at least they're almost gone."

"Your optimism is very admirable."
"That's what my therapist said. I guess I was born with it."

"Bless you."
"Thank you. Ok you're all set."

"Thanks." I put my shirt on. I was about to say something else to Jeongin but I get cut off when I felt his lips on mine.

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