🥞Chapter 24🥞

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Minho's POV:

I was at the new café we had bought and the renovations were almost done. I checked out the place with Chan to make sure it was going well.

But my emotions are starting to overpower me.

"Minho what's the problem. You're breaking the pen."

"Is that Hyunjin guy. I hate him. You know he's going on a date with your son?"

"Yeah. Felix told me."
"And you're doing nothing?"
"Because I'm not the jealous one."

"I am not jealous. I have more hatred in my body than anything else.", I snap the pen in half.

"Control yourself."
"Something is wrong about that guy. I just know it."

"Why don't you tell Felix how you feel instead of being jealous when he's with someone else?"

"We wasn't interested in dating. At least until you brainwashed him."

"I didn't brainwash him. He's a teenager who has a lot of curiosity."

I balled up my fists in anger then punched the wall and left a hole in it.

"Minho please calm down and listen to your music. I don't want them to start the construction all over."

I take a deep breath.

"I know you care about him but you should trust him as much as he trusts you."

"Sigh. Fine. But if that guy does anything I'm ripping his balls off."
"That's a good attitude."

Later that night I calmed myself with headphones on and lied on my bed. It was barely helping.

I wanted to be Felix's first date but I'm too much of a coward to say anything. That Hyunjin pissed me off and I know he's up to no good.

I trust Felix to the right thing and nothing will happen. Maybe I was a bit jealous.

'Pshh. Yeah right.'

"Hyung? I need to tell you something.", Felix enters.
"What is it?"

"I can't go on this date."

"It..it just doesn't feel right. I rather go with someone else ."

"Maybe someone like you."
"Me? What changed your mind?"

He steps closer.

"I feel the safest when I'm with you and I didn't know then but I know now that...I'm in love with you."

"You...you mean that?"
"Yes. Do you feel the same?"

I hold his hand with my own then cupped his cheek with the other.
"Of course I do."

I leaned in closer and he does the same. Just before our lips touch...I wake up.

"I hate myself."

I got up and headed to the kitchen for a drink when I saw Felix talking with everyone.

'Oh. I didn't know he came back.'

I mind my business as the music continues to play so I couldn't hear what they were saying. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge then went back to my room.

Felix's POV:

"Is he ok?", I asked.
"Well he punched a wall earlier but he'll be fine.", my appa answered.

"I should talk to him.", I stand up.
"I don't think that's a good idea."

"He's unstable right now."
"It's ok. He won't mind if I talk to him."

I headed to Minho's room then knocked.

No answer. Then I remembered that he had headphones on so probably couldn't hear me. I opened his door slowly and peeked my head in.

He looks up at me then back down at his phone. I took that as a come in.

"Hyung? Can you hear me?"

"I couldn't help but noticed you being upset with something."

"I'm not upset. This is just how I look."

"Is that all?"

"I know you have different feelings about Hyunjin but I won't feel comfortable going out with him unless you agree."

"Why would I agree?"

"Because you're my friend. And I thought you wanted to see me happy."

"You'll be happy without him."

"Why do hate him so much? You haven't even gotten the chance to know him."

"I don't need to. I can tell he's bad news."
"That's judging. You're judging him."

"You're so naive. You known him for two days. You talk like you're in love with him."

"I didn't say that."

"You may like him now but what happens when he sees your scars on your back? You don't think he'll be sick to his stomach and dump you? Isn't that the main reason you won't date anybody? That and your other problems?"

I knew he was right but I couldn't stop the tears that filled my eyes. No one would be with anybody with problems like mine. Hyunjin will freak out if he ever knew those things about me.

I want to believe he wasn't like that especially after our date. But in the end everyone's the same. I wiped my face and left Minho's room to isolate myself in mine.

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