🍪Chapter 16🍪

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I didn't think my first kiss was going to happen but it did.

"I'm so sorry I did that! I-I should've asked you first!"
"Jeon-" I sneezed three times.

"Bless you."
"I think the rain is getting to us." My nose already felt congested.

"Should I call Chan?"

"He's probably busy."
"Oh right. I know when you're sick the main thing is rest."

"Ok. Do we need soup?"
"I don't know how to make it like Minho hyung does."

"I guess we'll have to wait till they get home."

Jeongin's POV:

Felix and I laid on opposite sides of the couch with masks on while watching tv. He never brought up the kiss and it made feel stupid for doing it.

I wanted to ask but maybe he wants to forget about it. I tried telling him how I feel before but he never got the message.

I sit up.
"Felix I just wanted to say-", I get cut off by the front door opening.

"Oh my god. What happened to you guys?", asks Jisung.
"We got sick from the rain."

"Why were you in the rain?", Chan feels my forehead.
"We were walking then it just starts raining."

"You both are burning up. I'll get some medicine and Minho will make y'all some soup."

Jisung stands far from us and covers his mouth.
"I think I should wear a mask too."

Later Felix and I ate Minho's soup while Chan examines us.
"I didn't know you were a doctor.", Felix said.

"In a way yes. And it looks like the common flu. But if it gets worse for you Felix let me know."

"Why would I be worse?"

"I don't want to frighten anyone but the lack of nutrition and your immune system being low it can lead to intensive care. We'll try our best to make sure that won't happen."

I felt guilty. It was my fault because I got Felix sick from that kiss. I regretted it immediately and will have to apologize.

Felix's POV:

The next day I couldn't go to my therapy session so I stayed in my room. Coughing and sneezing weren't the only problems I endured. Every time I eat I would throw it up which wasn't fun.

I felt the absolute worse. Chan was right. I couldn't even stand without assistance because my body felt so weak. I hear a knock at the door and Minho came in.

"I brought you medicine for your stomach. Hopefully it would stop the vomiting."

"Thank you so much hyung. I don't deserve any of you guys."
"Don't talk like that. We need you as much as you need us."

"Yes. And I need you. You to get better. I need you to get better."

"Ok.", I smiled.
"Here. Take one.", he hands me a pill and a glass of water.

After I took it I laid back down.

"Your soup really is delicious so please don't be offended when I threw it up."

"I'm not and thanks. I'll let you rest now."

I wanted to say something but I changed my mind.

"Never mind." I turned over then went to sleep.

Mid Thursday I heard a knock on my door and said come in. It was Jeongin.

"Oh hey.", I cough.
"I need to ask you something."
"Sure. Go ahead."

"Did you mean it when you said you weren't..interested in dating anyone?"

"I just feel like it's not for me.", I sneezed.
"Bless you. Then what about yesterday?"

"Oh. The kiss? I don't mind it. It's what friends do right?"
"...right. Welp that's..it then. I'll go back to resting."

"Jeongin wait.", I started coughing almost non stop.
"Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah.." I take some water for hydration.

"I was gonna ask if you felt something more."
"Uhh...I-I do.."

My mind turns blank. This never happened before so I didn't know how to react. I really couldn't date anyone right now or ever. Nobody likes me that way.

"Oh. I'm sorry I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I respect your decision and we can still be friends."

"You can stay here if you want."

"Are you sure?"
"We're both sick so it doesn't matter right?"

Jeongin hops in the bed next to me and wraps himself in the covers. I lay down also.


We laid in bed the rest of the day doing what friends do best. Jeongin is a kind person but I didn't think I'm right for him or anyone. It'll be an unbelievable dream.

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