🧇Chapter 21🧇

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Midday they all went up the trail on the mountain side to see the beautiful city from afar. With Felix wearing a sweater wasn't the best idea he had for the hike.

"Come on guys! We're almost to the top!", Jisung yells from far in front of the rest of them.

"How does he so much energy?", Felix asked.
"It's a mystery to us all.", replied Minho.

"I wish I had some."
"Are you tired?"

"And hot. I shouldn't have worn this. Oh well. At least we're almost there."

Once they reached the top they all took a group photo of themselves with the city in the background.

"So pretty.", said Jeongin.

"This is where we belong."
"Jisung get away from the ledge.", Chan commanded.

Felix takes a squat on the ground with a dizzy head and slightly blurred vision. He tries to take a photo of the city like there wasn't anything wrong. But just then it all went black for him.

Later at the hospital Chan paces the floor back and forth in much worry while the others were sitting.

"Ugh. Why didn't he tell me? I should've known. I should've done something but I didn't. It's my fault. I said I was going to protect him and I failed. I hate myself for it."

"Chan it wasn't your fault. No one's at blame.", Minho responded.

"He's my son. I'm responsible for him. If anything happens I wouldn't ever forgive myself."

"He'll be fine."
"Family of Lee Felix?", the doctor called.

"Gasp! Yes. How is he?"

"He's stable for now but he has no food in his system and suffered a heatstroke. His condition is improving but not by much so we're giving him nutrients and vitamins to see if it works."

"Can we see him?"
"Only family members can see him."

"I'm his appa."

"Follow me."
"Y'all stay here. I will go check on him.", he follows the doctor.

He entered the room Felix was in then tears up.

"We'll have to leave him here overnight to monitor his progression."


Chan makes his to the younger's side and takes a seat. He sees Felix hooked up to so many things and it terrified him. He wipes his eyes not letting a tear fall down.

"Felix! I was so worried. How are you feeling?"

"I'm sorry I worried you. I thought I could handle it."
"What happened? Weren't you taking your medicine?"

The younger tears roll down his face.
"I didn't have e-enough..,I-m s-so sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've had gotten you more."
"P-please forgive me.."

The older caressed his cheek then wiped the tears away.

"Shh. Stop crying ok? I'm not mad. I don't want you to deal with these things by yourself. Let your appa help you and don't worry about anything else."

Felix nods. 
"I love you very much. I'm glad you're alright."

"C-can we go home?"

"I wish we could but the doctor wants you to stay here overnight so you can recover."

"Oh. Where are the others?"
"In the waiting room. They couldn't come in."

"I feel sick appa. Am I gonna die?"
"No of course not. Stay with me yeah? I'll get the doctor."

"Don't leave. I just need you."

"Ok. I'm right here.", he holds his hand without the intention of letting go.

At midnight Chan sleeps in the waiting room since he wasn't allowed to stay in the room. Minho had taken Jisung and Jeongin home but then he comes back with coffee for the older.

"Chan. Chan."
"Minho? Why are you here?"

"I brought you some coffee and you're not the only one worried about Felix."

"Sorry. He hasn't been my son for long but I feel like he has. I love him and hope nothing bad happens."

"You love him?"

"Yeah. We say that now. I'm the appa he never had and I'll spend all the time I can with him."

"I've never seen you like this. He must have an effect on you."
"He has affected all of us. More than we affected him."

"How's he doing?"
"It's been a while since I've gotten anything. I know he'll be just fine."

"Me too."

In the early morning Chan was able to go back in Felix's room and brought something to eat.

"Morning Felix. How are you doing?"
"A little better. What's that?"

"Waffles. Want some?"
"Sure. Thank you."

Chan sits down and cuts a piece of the waffle then feeds it to him.
"How is it?"

"It's good. Did Minho make it?"
"...I did."
"Oh sorry. It's good. I like it."

"Great. The doctor said that in a few hours if you're well you can go home."

"That's a relief. I miss everyone."

"They miss you too. We got renovations started on the new building."

"Really? So we're staying here?"
"Yup. A new future. And the past in the past."

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