🍰Chapter 1🍰

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Felix's POV:

Today is my first day on the job at a recently new coffee shop. I entered the store that was still closed to the public and still was fascinated by the atmosphere.

I'm more of a blue person but I think pink is just as pretty. I walked up to the counter and rang the bell for service. The manager comes out and greets me.

"Good morning..Felix, right?"

"Yes sir."
"You don't have to be so formal. Just call me Chan."

"Come follow me. I'll introduce you to your coworkers."

I follow Chan towards the back and we entered a room where I saw three other people.

"This is the break room. Here we have Jeongin, Jisung, and Minho. Guys this is Felix. He'll be starting with us today so show your best attitudes. Let me know if you need anything."

"Ok.", I smile. Chan walks off and I am left here with I hope my future friends.

"Hi, Felix. I'm Jisung. It's so nice to have fresh meat join us.", he shakes my hand frequently.

"Hi. You seem enthusiastic."

"Of course. We have to be caring and loving to anyone who walks in our store."

"I can do that."

"I'm positive you can. And Jeongin is the face of this place. And he's maknae."

"That's impressive."
"Thank you.", Jeongin smiles.

"Isn't he the cutest? Over here is Minho. He the assistant manager who stays back here minding his business. But he amazing at what he does. Aren't you Hyung?"

"Nice to meet ya.", I offered him to shake hands but I get stood up.

"Don't take it personally. He treats everyone like that. Watch."

I watched as Jisung pats Minho's head and in return he gets his arm twisted to the point where I thought it was about to break.

"Yah! Yah! Ok! I'm sorry!"
Minho lets go and leaves the room.
"Oof. See? Harmless."

"That looked very painful."

"Nah. It's fine."
"It's because he has a crush on him.", Jeongin spoke out.

"Yah! Don't tell him that. And it's not a crush. It's called respect."
"You respectfully like him."

"Don't make me get Chan."
"You guys seem like good friends."

"Chan treats us like family. And you are apart of our family now. Oh. Let's get you your uniform."

After I got my uniform I get changed into it then came to show everybody. I wore a pink button up and a tie and white shorts with a pink beret.

"Wow. You look great, Felix."
"You are sparkling."
"No one looks better."

They all complimented.
"Thank you. It fits like a glove."

"Ok. Who wants to show our trainee the ropes?", Chan asks.
"Ooh! Ooh! Me! I do!", Jisung says.

"Ok Jisung. Have at it. We open in a hour so chop chop."

Jisung shows me everything to do under 30 minutes. But it takes longer for me to fully get the hang of it. I was now working on making a double whipped latte and the trouble was pouring it into the cup without it spilling out.

"Ugh. This is harder than it looks. How do I make it not spill?"

"It's ok. It's only your first time. What I do is tilt the cup as I pour it then set it on the plate slowly. And once it's full add the cream."

"But it's full. The cream will spill won't it?"
"Not if you're careful. You'll get it one day. Let's move on."

I follow him into the kitchen.
"Do you like baking?"
"Actually yes. I bake all the time."

"Perfect. Here is where we bake all of our delicious sweets. Mostly Minho hyung does the work and we just dress them. But maybe he'll allow you to help him."

"I hope so."

"So what you can do for now is help Jeongin with setting the tables. It's my turn to turn the sign.", he runs off.

I smiled at him and then went to Jeongin who was at the front of the store.

"Hey, Jeongin. How's it going?"

"Great! How's the training?"
"It's going well. Jisung is a good teacher."

"I'm glad. If you feel overwhelmed don't be afraid to tell us."

Everyone is so friendly. I think I've found my happy place. It's good to have friends especially when I never had one. This is will be a great day.

"Ok everyone! We are set for opening!", Jisung comes out along with Chan and Minho.

Jisung stands by the open sign.

"I wish us to have an awesome time serving our customers with a bright smile. And for Felix to have the best first day ever!"

We all clapped.
"Ok Jisung. You may flip it now.", Chan said.

He flips the sign then claps after.
"He's always this excited every time he flips it.", Jeongin told me.

"I can tell."

'Yup. I think I'm gonna like it here.'

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