Mr. Cold

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Only few pars were written in first person pov. Check out other parts if you are more comfortable with third person.

Mr. Cold_ Rahul's POV

I don’t know what happened to me suddenly. I'm unsure of how this occurred. But I know one thing for sure—I have fallen for him. I've caught feelings for the sunshine of the team. These thoughts occupied my mind as I observed Rohit helping Shreyas with his batting practices. I wondered why I couldn't become like him, or at least hold Rohit's hand. A sight left me without realizing.

"Hey, Mr. Cold, what are you doing here alone? Trying to become a stone?" It was Virat.

"Planning a murder," I mumbled.

"I heard you. Who are you planning to murder exactly?"

"No one. I have to meet the coach; I am leaving." I left because I saw Rohit coming in our direction.

"Rah, wait…" and my attempt failed. He called me.

"Yeah," I turned around while masking my emotions.

"I have to discuss something with you, and this is regarding our next match. Can you come to my room after dinner?" He asked casually, and my heart started to race.

"Yeah, sure," I managed to say and left.

"What’s wrong with him?" I heard Rohit asking Virat.

When I finished the discussion with the coach, it was already dinner time. I met Virat while going to the dining room.

"Rahuliya, wait for me," he said, and his crazy nicknames.

Virat started to drag me to the garden outside our hotel.

"Virat, what are you doing? Leave my hand. I'm hungry," I complained.

"Your stomach can wait but not your heart," he said after sitting on a bench.

"What are you saying?"

"You say, what is your problem. And I know it relates to Ro," he guessed.

"There's nothing."

"Rah, you are my kid. You can't hide anything from me. And you know, you have started to behave differently with him."

I did not realize my own tears. Stupid tears; they were not stopping.

"Hey, hey, what happened kiddo? You can tell me everything," Virat said while hugging me.

"I... I don't know what's happening. Everything changed. I never wanted.. to get this close to Ro. After I became vice-captain, I worked closely with him. I..." and started to cry again.

"Breathe, kiddo. I am not judging you. You can say anything to me."

"Unlike before, I am craving for his attention now. You know when someone works with him, he takes really good care of them."

"Who knows it better than me? I am his best friend after all," Virat said, chuckling.

"I think.. I. I have caught feelings for Rohit."

Next part
" Virat, Rohit is looking for you.."
"Rahul, what the hell are you saying..?"
I cant live like this, I am sorry.

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