Mum & daughter time

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June looks up from her book as she hears her daughter's excited voice and stands up with a grin as she jogs over. ''Hey, baby girl.'' She greets as she hugs her tightly. ''I missed you.''

''I missed you too!'' Beth breathes out grinning as she sits down beside her, she leans down to greet Rona as she sprints over and ruffles her hands through her fur. ''Hey, my girl.'' She greets as she takes the ball, she throws it away from the bank they are sitting on, and turns to her mum. ''Where is pops?''

''Helping Ben and Liv with something.'' June breaths out. ''How is the cup going sweetheart? You were amazing against Canada!''

''We are very confident and function amazingly together.'' Beth breaths out happy about the past two weeks filled with training and a match they won with ease. ''I hate being away from home for so long and the thought of only going home for one day and heading off for the euros annoys me a bit too.''

''Here, home, or Vivianne's home?'' June teases, she laughs as Beth blushes bright red and wraps an arm around her shoulders. ''May I know the reason behind the grin nobody can pull off of your face?''

''You already know part of it.'' Beth mumbles blushing.

''No the only thing I know is what Viv told me, I don't know anything else sweetheart.'' June breaths out chuckling. ''Viv managed to distract me with pictures of Josh every time I asked.'' She muses, she locks eyes with her daughter as she giggles and tilts her head. ''Is she the reason behind that beautiful grin?''

''She is.'' Beth confirms softly, she giggles as a face-splitting grin appears on her mum's face and shakes her head. ''You are even happier than the girls were.''

''Well duh, my baby girl is truly happy.'' June breaths out, she locks eyes with her and raises an eyebrow. ''Wait, are you?''

Beth giggles and nods her head. ''I am mum, I really am.'' She whispers. ''We didn't really get the chance to do a lot together since we talked, but I kinda feel like we already were dating before we talked with how much time we spend together we just didn't add the typical relationship things.''

''So you are dating yes?''

''Kinda?'' Beth asks, she bites her lip as her mum frowns in confusion and sighs. ''We both agreed to not put any labels on us for now.'' She breaths out. ''We want to see where everything leads us but do it our way, you know how careful I became after her, mum and Viv is careful too not only to spare herself from heartbreak but also Josh.''

''There is one tiny thing the both of you might not have put into thought.'' June muses.

''And that is?'' Beth asks with a tilt of her head.

''That boy is already attached to you darling and I don't mean that in a bad way.'' June points out. ''You spend god knows how many days together with him and Viv, sometimes even just with him so she could focus on herself for a bit so yes there is a huge risk that one of you might end up hurt but he will be too even if Viv calls it quits.''

''I don't plan on leaving his life just because Viv and I agreed that dating would do more harm than good mum.'' Beth breaths out. ''We agreed to talk about everything and I think we can handle it like adults if that would be the case.''

''Do you think that could happen?'' June asks softly, Beth slowly shakes her head and smiles shyly.

''No that isn't on my mind at all.'' She whispers. ''I can really see something amazing happening mum, I just don't want the same to happen like with DvD so I rather stay on the safe side.''

''Will you promise me one thing, sweetheart?'' June asks.


''To not hide behind that wall if said amazing thing does happen? Open your heart for her?'' She asks. ''Your pops, Ben and I think Viv is amazing, and judging the talk I had with her, she cares for you a lot.''

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