Vivi getting injured

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Two and a half weeks later

Vivianne sprints over the sideline dribbling the ball after playing it through Ellie Carpenter's legs during the first Champions League match against Lyon and glances over to the box, she passes the ball low and hard into it as she notices Beth sprint at full speed and smiles proudly as the winger easily takes over DvD trying to defend her goal and taps the ball into the goal as the Goalie dives instead of dropping down.

''Fuck yes, Vivi!'' Beth exclaims as she jumps in her arms laughing as the girls join them with loud cheers, Viv just compliments her on the goal as she places her back down with a grin and jogs back to their half accepting the high fives and compliments the girls give her for her assist.

She watches DvD and Ellie discuss something heatedly as they get ready for kick off, a weird feeling filling her gut and shakes it off sprinting forward the second the referee whistles and Ellie passed the ball to Danielle.

She easily steals the ball from the smaller Dutch, bringing her off balance with her upper body and sprints through the middle. She steps to the right as a defender sprints up to her, taking the ball with her moving fluidly and glances up noticing two defenders sprinting up to her.

She smirks as she hears someone clicking their tongue as a flash of red sprints past her the second she nears the edge of the box and passes the ball through one of the defenders legs, she sprints after Beth as the winger sprints over to the fans with a cheer as she easily taps it home and hugs her tightly as she turns on her heels with a grin. ''Fucking amazing Beth.'' She compliments with a grin.

''Wouldn't have tapped those home without your three amazing assists Viv.'' Beth breaths out grinning as their fans sing Beth Mead's On Fire, she laughs as the girls jump around them teasingly singing the same song and shakes her head. ''Crazies.'' She murmurs affectionately, she pats Viv's bicep as she just shoots her a wink while she jumps up and down right beside Lotte and jogs back to her position high fiving Jonas as he takes a step forward with his hand held out.

Viv smiles as she hears their roaring fans grow even louder the second the assistant holds up a board showing the two extra minutes they have to play and sprints over to DvD as she once again takes the pass from Ellie, she stands firmly on the pitch as the smaller Dutch tries to bring her of balance while she tries to steal the ball back and rolls it further away from her searching foot.

She rolls the ball behind her with her right foot, passing it with her heel as she notices Beth sprinting over to help her out and pulls herself out of Daan's tight grip on her shirt. She regains her footing as the other Dutch sprints away from her to chase Beth down, having heard her deep growl and quickly sprints after her as the weird feeling in her gut acts up even worse.

She speeds up overtaking Daan as the midfielder drops down in a sliding, planning on tackling Beth from behind with her leg aimed just a tad bit higher than normal and quickly drops down in a sliding from her own to act like a buffer.

She gasps as Beth suddenly cuts back to dribble around Dama trying to steal the ball from her, grunting as the blonde drops right on top of her with a yelp as she loses her balance trying not to collide with her and screams out in pain as DvD's cleats connect with her ribs instead of her back like she originally planned.

She quickly pushes Beth off of her to turn on her side and curls both of her arms around her midsection as soaring pain courses through her midsection. ''Vivi!'' Beth gasps out sliding over on her knees to check up on the Dutch, she gently places her hand on her shoulder blade feeling the way they shake, and hurriedly lifts her hand to call over the medics as she hears nothing but soft groans and sobs coming from her.

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