PART 3: THE SHADOWS FLEE, Chapter 34 Winter

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The trip was exhausting because Puffin had to rest so often. He would have liked to fly without stopping as fast as possible, but he remembered how he himself had almost perished on the way to the Ice Kingdom. Now he could relate to Icicle's frustration. Of course he wouldn't have wanted to murder Puffin, as Icicle would have wished had happened to him. He wished that somehow he could have made the journey of the fragile IceWing easier, but of course carrying was out of the question.

The stab wound from the dagger radiated pain from the upper arm, but it didn't stop him from flying. Every time they stopped to rest, he tried to wash his scales around the wound with snow - as long as it was enough - so as not to look like a slaughterer, but when they finally got close to the Sanctuary, after almost a day's travel, the wound had bled so much and the blood had dried up the shoulder and along the leg, that the sight was quite raunchy.

Fortunately, it was night, so no one would notice them. They landed on the northwest side of the Sanctuary and walked the rest of the way. Puffin couldn't cease to be amazed at what she saw; trees, vegetation, buildings, animals with brown rather than white fur, and ambient temperature.

"Let's try to keep quiet so we don't attract attention now that we're in town. I don't know where the SandWings are patrolling, and most of the dragons are sleeping now", Winter told her in a low voice as they made their way through the maze of various buildings, and when Puffin had just cry out in delight again when she saw a vegetable garden in the backyard of one of the houses. "I'm taking you to one of my friends. I believe she will be happy to help and can accommodate you for as long as be needed. She likes stories, so you'll definitely get to share everything you know about the Ice Kingdom."

"But... Aren't you staying?" Puffin asked in a disappointed voice.
"I can't, I have to free Moon before the SandWings get word that we've escaped. Vulture said she will stay alive as long as I stay in the Ice Kingdom. I just hope we didn't stayed too long on the way..." Winter replied, looking away. It was his worst nightmare and fear that turned his insides upside down. How could he live anymore if he had caused Moon's death.

"No... I don't understand why they won't let the others live in peace... If you're late, it's my fault", Puffin wailed, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Well... that's why we have to hurry now", Winter grunted and hurried forward, limping his left front leg. The injury clearly didn't like the walking part.

Puffin quickened her steps and hopped beside him.
"Your feet..." she began.
"Still working", Winter snorted impatiently.
"But it should be taken care of. Couldn't your friend..."
"She lives over there, a few buildings away. We're going to have to wake her up and I'm in a hurry, so we won't bother her with the little things, shall we?"
"Of course, but..." she trailed off after seeing Winter's dismal expression.

Winter stopped in front of a sandstone building.
"Remember what I said? I absolutely must continue at once."
Puffin had stopped a couple of steps behind him, staring at the sign on the wall of the house.
"But Winter! Is she a doctor?" Puffin whispered loudly.
"Yes she is. Serandite is a very nice SkyWing. She will surely take good care of you, and the SandWings dare not disturb her."
"Puffin. We didn't come here for this little wound. Would you please keep quiet about it?"
Puffin swallowed her protest.
"Okay", she squeaked.

Winter knocked on the door and waited. After a moment he knocked again.
Her bedroom must be facing the courtyard. She can't hear us from here.
"Come on", he said to Puffin and went around the back of the building. Puffin crept up behind him uncertainly.

Amidst the luxuriant clematis vines was the back door, the wide path leading to it lined with a variety of fragrant herbs; hyssops, mints, sage, purple coneflowers and foxgloves. Puffin seemed to have forgotten her excitement and wandered enchanted among the plants, sniffing them, brushing their leaves lightly with her claws, and sweeping the flowers and herbs with the edge of her wings, making them nod as she passed them. Moths fluttered into flight and swirled around the IceWing like flower petals taking flight.
Winter followed her with his eyes as he knocked on the door and smiled for the first time in a long time. He had never seen Puffin look so happy.

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