Chapter 8 Kinkajou

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Poor Moon... she is so cute but why doesn't she trust herself? Those burns look nasty, they must be really painful. Should I tell the healers that she needs better care... No wonder if she feels miserable. Did she fall asleep already?


Kinkajou woke up before sunrise. Something was wrong. She was lying right next to Moon and she felt hot! Kinkajou jumped up and turned to examine the restlessly sleeping Moon.
She has fever! What now? Heatstroke can't come back, can it? Something else is wrong. Where are the healers? No one was visible in the room.
Crazy lazy people! They think I'm doing their job! Kinkajou jumped off the bed and walked to the terrace. There were only the sounds of the rainforest and the steady patter of the rain could be heard. The pale twilight told that the sun would rise soon.

"Hello! We need healers here!" She called out to the sleeping forest. An indignant growl was heard from somewhere.
Grrr, what should I do? I can't leave Moon alone. Is there water here, she definitely needs water, Kinkajou thought as she turned back inside and almost bumped into the water container. Ha, that's it! There are bandages in there. I'll wet one and put it on Moon's forehead. Shouldn't that help? Guess I'll have to get her to drink too.

Kinkajou found a smaller bucket, took water in it and tried to wake Moon.
"Ymm", Moon whined in her sleep and slapped her tail.
"Hey, you need to drink, wake up!" Kinkajou commanded and poured a cupful of water on Moon's head.
"Yeauuuh!" Moon squealed and raised her head, blinking.
"Sorry. How do you feel?" Kinkajou asked in a worried voice.
"Uuuh, dizzy. Let me sleep..." Moon mumbled, eyes half closed.
"You have fever. Probably inflammation. I'll try to find the healers, but drink this first. Promise you won't go anywhere in the meantime?"

Kinkajou took off from the terrace, wondering at the same time where the healers could be when they are not in their hut. She wandered between the trees, raking her eyes for rainwings sleeping in nests. There! She noticed and landed as loudly as possible right in front of the snoring healer's snout. He startled awake and was about to scream with fright, but Kinkajou managed to wrap her talons around his snout and the result was only a muffled roar.

"Why did you leave Moon alone in the hut? She's not okay", she hissed angrily, still holding onto the healer's snout. The healer snarled and clawed at Kinkajou's front talons until she loosened her grip.
"We also need to rest sometimes", the healer muttered indistinctly.
"Now get up from there and check the patient's condition", Kinkajou snapped and pushed him. The healer scrambled up, looking exasperated, and dived over the edge of the nest.

By the time Kinkajou got back, the healer was already examining Moon.
"Hmm, if that IceWing had stayed longer, these burns could have healed better..."
"Shall I pick him up?" Kinkajou got excited.
"No, cooling is no longer useful when the scales are inflamed. The worst parts are start to ooze rot. Now is the worst possible time for injuries to heal when it's this hot and it's always humid here... I'll apply a salve and then we just have to hope the inflammation doesn't spread", the healer answered, stepping to examine the supplies on the shelves.

Oh no, I should have stopped Winter... Moon will suffer for nothing. And these lazy healers haven't treated her properly. Mrrr, gotta tell Glory!

Kinkajou jumped out again and hurried towards Glory's apartment. Two guards were dozing outside it.
"Hey! How do you serve your queen!" Kinkajou yelled as she landed. "The whole tribe is lazy!"
The guards were startled and straightened up.
"Is Glory awake? Uh, you can't know that when you were sleeping yourself", Kinkajou growled and marched inside. Deathbringer stood up startled by the commotion and looked surprised.

"Morning Deathbringer. Did you know that this tribe is full of work-abnegation slackers?"
"Where is the wind coming from, Kinkajou? Did you miss your suntime yesterday?"
"Healers don't do their job! Moon's burns are inflamed and she has a fever!"
"Oh no. I'll tell Glory."
"I already heard. I'll talk to them later", Glory said entering from another room.
"Did you know your guards were napping outside, too?" Kinkajou pointed out.
"That's why Deathbringer sleeps here. No one can surprise me. And they are not the only guards. Don't worry Kinkajou."
"Well, that's fine, but I'm worried about Moon."
"Help is on the way, you can stop worrying", Glory said to Kinkajou's surprise.
"What do you mean?"
"You'll see soon."

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