Chapter 30 Winter

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A muffled knock was heard from the direction of the doorway. Winter got up and stretched. He had only slept in the morning hours as he had for a long time before this.
"Come in", he said, surprised that Icicle hadn't already rushed into the room. But when he turned his eyes, Puffin was standing at the door. She looked like she wanted to blend into the walls.

"Hey Puffin", he greeted, raising his eyebrows. "I was going to pick you up, but - um, I was still sleeping. I couldn't sleep at night."
"Sorry", Puffin whispered.
"It does not matter. Has something happened?"
"Yes. I mean no, but... but I heard when Icicle and Weasel were talking at night. They thought I was sleeping", she replied, still whispering.

"So... what was that?" Winter asked, stepping closer.
"They said that in three days, Snowfall will have a banquet, and that's when it will happen. That a special dose has been reserved for her."

Puffin started sobbing and sank down. "I don't want Snowfall to die... She's a much better queen than Icicle could be." She glanced at Winter with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't mean that... after all, she's your sister and... you might want to..."
"I completely agree", Winter interrupted her stuttering and wrapped his wing around her soothingly.

"We must warn the Queen. We distract the guards somehow and then we fly to the palace. Maybe they won't notice our departure right away and we'll get enough head start", Winter said emphatically and looked Puffin in the eyes.
I just have to hope Moon is safe and the SandWings don't hurt her, he thought in agony. I can't protect her, even though I promised, but Puffin must be taken to safety from here. She has no chance to defend herself.

"I can't, I'd ruin everything ... I'm too slow and a weak flyer, you have to go alone", Puffin was horrified.
"You can't stay here either. You're in danger if I leave", he lowered his gaze, ashamed of how many dragons' well-being - lives - he was risking no matter what he chose to do.
"What if I hide?" Puffin suggested.

There might be an idea. What would be a good enough hiding place?
Neither of them knew the surroundings of this village very well. He had been flying a lot during the last few days and remembered that there were some caves hidden in the cliffs. The best option would be a reliable friend whose home Puffin could go to, but there was none. They knew practically none of the inhabitants of the village. Had to resort to the second - or third - best option. And he wouldn't stay very long. In the best case, he would be back by the evening and they could come up with a cover story for why they disappeared for the day.

"Do you know the caves on the coast, have you been there?" Winter asked.
"No I don't ... I-I don't want to go to the shore", Puffin shuddered and sank lower as if imagining that she was standing on a slippery cliff.
"How about I take you there? You don't have to look for a hiding place alone. When I come back, I'll pick you up. If they know you wouldn't go to the shore, then you're safest right there."
"Y-you're right. Let's do that."

Looking at the crouched shaky IceWing, a feeling of pity flooded over him again. Puffin's eyes showed some deeper fear. A memory of something she had experienced before. She was also much more tense than when they first met.
It's no wonder ... She couldn't have imagined that she would find herself in such a situation.

"Let's go see if we can get past the guards", he said, gently guiding Puffin around and out the door of his room.

The guards were talking, one leaning against the wall of the building, the other throwing snowballs on the slope, when they came out. They immediately fell silent and turned towards them, frowning. Winter had heard that they were talking about some kind of calling up or - gathering?

What is it about? I thought these dragons had nothing to do with the queen's army...

"Hey, we're going to fly a little at the edge of the forest. I was thinking of grabbing an owl or a hare for breakfast", he said casually.
One of the guards immediately stepped closer and nodded with his snout for the other to follow.

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