S2 - Falling (Like Lucifer)

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HALF an hour later, Catra watched as the final princess, Lilith, took her place.

Scorpia and Entrapta were making uncomfortable yelps and squeaks from levitating over the planet.

Well, they were actually floating over the mountains of hespirides in the Kingdom of snows.

There was a massive U-shaped void below them. Frosta had explained that there had been a sort of amplified avalanche, and if you fell down there, you were falling to your death.

Apparently, the fall never ended, and you were more likely to die of starvation or thirst on the way down then by the fall itself.

Catra shuddered, and looked to Frosta herself.

She was chatting with Glimmer and Lilith to distract herself from possible demise.

Smart kid.

All of a sudden, there was a massive tremor throughout the planet.

The sky was painted with darkness.

The princesses shone with power, so much so that it was blinding.

They rose, and the moons moved with them, bathing the whole planet in red.

On the opposite side of the canyon, Puca stood with throngs of shadow warriors fading into the distance, watching with shock.

Catra raised her arms as she caught sight of the runestones cutting through the air toward them.

She glanced down at the crowd of rebellion, magicats and horde soldiers lining the U-shaped gap.

For one fleeting second, she caught Aeris and Atticus watching her with clear worry.

She wished she was down there simply to tease the teenage couple for holding each other as gently as they were in that moment.

She looked back up at the moons, watching slow cracks spread, creating small crevices and holes.

Everything was going so well.

Until she noticed that Danu and Tora were screaming at her to beware from her locket.

Of course she had forgotten the very possible chances of death for atleast one princess.


C'yra stares into the eyes of her beloved.

But they weren't his eyes. They could never be.

They weren't the soft emerald of his, not a sign of smile kind gaze, or a

mischievous twinkle.

Just green. Pupil included.

C'yra lunged, Amato pounced. They both went skittering across the spire.

She tackled him, sending him onto his back, giving her enough time to straddle him.

She pinned his hands above his head singlehandedly, her other hand attempting to get the chip out as painlessly as possible.

She did not succeed, but decided to sedate him.

Once she figured that out, she carried Amato bridal style to the Verena Xalia. Which she borrowed from Catra, and crashed through the velvet glove with.

She could see Prime struggling underneath, and snickered quietly to herself.

She would never regret landing a spaceship on him while she saved her damsel in distress aka her husband.

She had saved him.

Thats all that she thought of in that moment.


Back with the princesses above the mountains of the Hespirides, Catras heart stopped.

The others surrounding her began to panic and squirm as the moons amplified each of their powers.

But power always comes with a sacrifice.

Just as C'yra and Amato appeared in a fog of violet, Catra smiled upon the crowd.

Tears glistening as they came in rivulets down her cheeks.

‘I command thee; Araidne of Creation, Moros of Fate, Eris of wrath: Spare the epithets of all but light. Take me in death, I shall take Rhys’ hand without a second thought.’ She prayed aloud.

And with a sickening crash, and a strike of lightening, the princesses scattered, all except Catra and Glimmer.

‘Catra no! You have done enough for us! let me do it! You just got your family back!’ Glimmer argued.

‘And you just got your father back. I will not let you Glimmer. But….I enjoyed the short time we had together as friends. I'm proud of the person you are and will coem to me. Also, you should confess to Bow. And tell your parents you love them. Goodbye Glimmer…You were a good friend.’

Before Glimmer can protest further, shes blasted harmlessly by her friend.

She lets out a horrific scream as Catra falls

Flat on her back, slow-mo, Catra fades into the abyss.

Atticus has to hold Aeris and Adora back from leaping after her.

Theres a complete and utter silence, as all of a sudden, little miniature
stars, shining silver like the moons, float slowly out from the void.

No one speaks. The stars say it all.

Catra was gone. Dead. Vaporized into stardust.

But that didn't mean they couldn't atleast admire the beauty of her final parting gift.

A sky full of stars.

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