37 - Ritual

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Navy threaded through the dark lustrous sky.

The pearlescent moon shone down on the vast underground valley.

In a clearing a few miles from the Capital, theres a lake. The clearing overlooks a cavernous entrance where the sea crashes against the rocks below.

Luckily for Catra, its a warm night in mid summer.

'-this part you have to do yourself' C'yra finished explaining.

Catra nodded, and the empress disappeared.

Catra sighed. This was the first part of the ritual, and she was not looking forward to it. Regardless, she stood by the bank of the lake, and pulled the pin holding the ceremonial robes on, causing them to fall around her feet. The snow white was a shocking contrast against the dark surroundings.

She felt euphoric in the light of the moon, which shone brighter then she had ever seen it do before.

She stepped into the water, and deeper and deeper she went. Until the water lapped at her shoulders and collar bone.

Her eyes fluttered shut, and her lips parted ever so slightly.

she cleared her mind, and tipped her head back to face the star dotted sky.

For a moment, everything is at peace, but suddenly, she is standing in a thrown room.

The next she is kneeling.

After that, she sees only Adoras eyes.

The next, is princess Frosta, except shes older and standing in a doorway looking flabbergasted.

The next images come so fast she cannot register them.

But as she snaps back to reality, she feels her legs give up.

Then shes falling through darkness.

She hears a distant scream, someone calling her name, and then shes flailing wildly again underneath the surface of the lake.

She clambers out, coughing and spluttering still.

After a moment of regaining her sense, she gets to her feet and begins to walk in the direction of the temple, which is not far from the lake.

A breeze reminded her of her nudity, but she ignored it in favour of tradition.

She approached the mausoleum/temple, and took a deep breath before entering.

The temple was grandiose, but Catra just kneeled on the gold accented cushion set before the alter.

She placed her hands before her, and bowed her head in respect.

She shivers when a touch of cold air dances over her neck and shoulders.

Her eyes closed as she feels something equivalent to hands cupping her face.

Whatever or whoever is drawing symbols on her face.

When the feeling passes, Catra opens her eyes.

Her hand closes around the hilt of her sword as she hums a little tune. But stops suddenly and says something bone chilling.

'I think I liked you better weren't a stalker, Queen Angella'.

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