25 - Mirror Savior

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When the magical light faded, she wasn't alone.

Two girls, and one boy stood before her.

‘Hello Catra. My name is Tora, and I was the second Namir.’ The persian looking male magicat bowed.

‘I'm Tessa, the previous Namir. I love your eyes!’ The darkest furred Magicat stammered as she spoke.

‘And I, am the original Namir. Yet I have taken the name of Danu to distinguish myself from my alters.’ The elegant feline in the middle curtseyed.

‘Why are you here?!’ Catra blurted out, rudely.

Danu laughed gently, reminding her of a flute.

‘We are here to teach you. It was Tora who created Samira, to be the guidance of the following Namir, and it was Tessa who created the cursed ring. The Jewel of Namir. It was an accident. The bacraut decieved her.’

Catra nodded, though was slightly angered by Tessa indirectly causing the death of the sister she never kew.

‘Samira will continue to help you, but each week, each Saturday, on the stroke of midnight, be here. Today, we will show you why.’ Tora held out his hand in a graceful manner.

Catra took it, allowing her dainty hand to fall into his calloused one.

He slowly levitated a few inches off of the ground, Tessa and Danu following his movements.

Tora kicked off the air, and they smoothly glided toward a cave.

The cave was more of a tunnel opening, that lead out into the vast oceans surrounding the island. Except, when they exited, all Catra could see below her was vibrant, aqua waters, she could see schools of fish swimming under the surface.

And when she looked ahead, she saw on a square of an island, a magnificent palace of unbelievable architecture.

Beautiful flowering fields of brightly coloured blooms surrounding the palace.

She could not help the amazed gasp that escaped her upon sight of it.

They landed on a grandiose terrace, overlooking the sea.

‘So..? What do you think!’ Tessa's fushcia eyes sparkled more then Glimmer when she noticed her predecessor's amazed expression.

‘I'd rather that I would never use this word. But nothing else fits except majestic'

‘Lady Freyja and Lord Dagda themselves created it, while Moros observed' A faint smile flickers across Danus face.

‘The Freyjan Festival begins on Monday!’ Catra recalls aloud.

‘The….Freyjan festival..?’ Danus face is eloquent with confusion.

‘Oh! Its a festival in Lady Freyjas honor, like feasts and celebrating, and most people go to her temple to pray and give offerings’ Catra explains.

Danus eyes glitter.

‘That sounds wonderful!’

Tora nods in agreement.

‘When I was around, Princess Rhiannons coronation of becoming the Empress was put on hold in favour of that very same festival ‘ He smiles slightly.

‘Empress Rhiannon? As in the grandmother of Avena D'riluth? And the daughter of Empress Cassiopeia?’ Catra gape.

‘I assume so? I am not quite sure who this Avena is though’ Tora admits.

‘I remember Avenas birth. Empress Eriu and Emperor Aed were so very much delighted' Tessa says, amusement clear on her face.

‘Woah, these different timelines are interesting.’ Catra declares.

The three nod, still smiling.

‘Well? What are we waiting for?! lets go inside!’Tessa insists, inching a snort from Tora.

‘Alright then…Princess Catra D'riluth, Namir, Welcome to Tír Na nÓg’

Escaping Corruption (Seasons 1-3) Where stories live. Discover now