Chapter 20

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Zayn's POV

I try to focus on Harry's soft hand tucked in mine as we walk down the hall. But curiosity nags about what Calum wanted pulling Luke aside earlier. I glance back just in time to see them disappearing into a classroom together, Calum's hand grazing Luke's back.

My steps slow taking this in. Luke's sunny laughter floats from the room before the door shuts, muffling the sound. I come to a halt frowning lightly. Harry notices my distraction, pausing too.

"You alright babe?"

I squeeze his hand gently, pushing down the strange flicker in my gut. "Yeah, all good."

I know Luke has nursed a hopeless crush on oblivious Calum for ages. And I've teased Luke more times than I can count about his lingering pining. So why does the prospect of Calum possibly returning his interest spark an odd discomfort in me suddenly?

As I refocus on Harry's kind green eyes, uncertainty lurks in his gaze now too. Right. My reaction probably stirred up insecurities in him about me and Luke.

I tug Harry sideways gently into a nook by the lockers, cradling his precious face in both hands. "You don't ever have to worry alright? Luke is my past, just a dear friend now. You are my present and future, love."

I kiss him sweetly, hoping my certainty comes through until his body relaxes into mine. As long as I have this beautiful boy who makes colors brighter, nothing else matters. I can deal with whatever complicated feelings crop up, as long as Harry keeps letting me prove his place in my heart...

Harry's POV

I melt into Zayn's reassuring embrace, clinging tightly. His words settle the uneasy swirl in my gut for now. But walking to first period holding his warm hand, fluttering of doubt still plague me.

Zayn has over a decade of history with Luke - years of friendship even deeper than their past romance. They know absolutely everything about each other. Meanwhile Zayn and I are still in the shy getting-to-know-you phase.

What happens if/when my mom uproots us yet again thanks to her job? Long distance is hard enough for adult couples, much less new teenage relationships. And Zayn would still have Luke's comforting presence right here to help pick up the pieces if his feelings faded in my absence.

I chew my lip anxiously throughout English class. As soon as the bell rings, I make some excuses about needing the bathroom before rushing off down the hall. Ducking into an empty stairwell, I let the worries overwhelm me at last in solitude.

Too bad overthinking everything is my default coping mechanism. Being blissfully happy never lasts before reality kicks the pedestal out from under my feet...


I slip my sweaty hand into Zayn's, heart pounding as we walk up the front steps to his house. Tonight, he's introducing me to his parents over dinner for the first time and my anxiety is through the roof.

What if they think I'm too awkward and weird? Or worse, that I'll never measure up to Luke who they've adored like a second son since literally infancy...

Sensing my tense nerves, Zayn pauses us on the porch right before entering. He turns me gently cupping my face. "They are going to love you babe, I promise," Zayn murmurs. His lips find mine in a soft, reassuring kiss that tingles down to my toes before pulling me inside by the waist.

Dinner starts out well I think. His parents, Yaser and Tricia engage me politely in first day small talk between enjoying mouthfuls of chicken biryani that smells incredible. But as we all settle into eating, awkwardness slowly simmers up seeing how effortlessly they banter with beaming Luke seated across from me.

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