Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

I pull up outside Harry's house, sunshine already spilling warmth in my chest seeing him exit his front door with an extra bounce in his step today. As Harry folds his long frame into the backseat, something feels different. Lighter.

His smile unfurls easier without its usual guarded edge. Reaching my typical coffee order over the console toward him wordlessly, I can't resist prodding gently. "'re looking chipper this morning Harold. Have a good rest of your night or something?" I ask innocently, eyes glinting.

Harry rolls his buttery slow blink my way, failing to fight off a growing grin. "What? Can't a guy just be in a pleasant mood cause it's a lovely day?"

I just hum knowingly as I pull back onto the road towards Zayn's. When we roll up minutes later, I watch Harry sit up straighter, eyes glinting brighter with anticipation. Oh...

Zayn slides easily into the front seat, head already turning instinctively to greet me with our usual friendly morning peck. But then his dark hazel eyes catch on Harry's in the rearview mirror and he pauses, cheeks pinking slightly. My best friend clears his throat, running a hand through his hair before facing front again without making contact.

I bite my cheek grinning. An intrigued sound escapes Harry's mouth at Zayn's uncharacteristic shyness. Glancing sidelong, I take in my best mate's flustered state with great delight. "Well well Malik, what do we have here..."

Zayn shoots me a look, eyes narrowing sharply. But his mouth betrays him, tugging upward irrepressibly. Oh I am absolutely going to enjoy needling these two! After all, what are friends for really?

I turn the radio up blasting rain-soaked Seattle alt rock, matching the weather outside. As I belt out the lyrics, I pretend not to notice Zayn's hand drifting to twist fingers through Harry's where they dangle near his shoulder. Yep, something shifted between them for sure. About time too!

This rainy day just got a whole lot sunnier in my book...

Zayn's POV

I try tuning out Luke's merciless teasing from the driver's seat as he delights in my flustered state. But the feeling of Harry's curious eyes studying me from behind makes my pulse thrum faster.

I chance a glance backwards and immediately get trapped in probing emerald. The new intimacy reflected there sends my thoughts spinning dizzily. Clearing my suddenly dry throat, I grasp for a distraction before I do something reckless like crawl between the seats to kiss him senseless.

"So! Um, has anyone worked on college applications yet?" I inject brightly into Luke's giggling monologue. "I was researching scholarships the other..."

My voice trails off as the sight outside the rain-streaked window catches my attention. Before Luke has fully parked at school, I'm already throwing the door open and hopping out without waiting.

There in front of the entrance stands Calum, black hair dripping rivulets down his handsome face as he shelters beneath the overhang. Rain mists his athletic silhouette in ethereal photons, highlighting the sharpness of his sculpted features. He must notice me staring because suddenly we lock gazes across the mostly empty parking lot.

In my periphery I sense Luke and Harry joining me to take in this movie scene brought to life. For a suspended moment everything disappears except Calum's dark steady eyes holding mine with intention. Until headlights flash breaking the spell as another car pulls in for school drop-off.

I grab Luke's elbow, urgency flooding my voice for a reason I can't name yet. "Hey, you guys go ahead. Need to run an idea by Calum about the game tomorrow." Without waiting for a response, I take off jogging through the misty day's weeping.

Calum says nothing as I approach, face unreadable. But he holds the door for me as we walk silently together into warmth of the hallway. I sense this interaction shaping into something pivotal, though what I have yet to grasp...

I follow Calum down the empty hall towards his locker, senses heightened. Something about his pensive energy feels charged awaiting ignition. When he finally stops, turning to face me with unblinking obsidian eyes, sparks prickle my skin.

"Didn't actually need to talk game strategy," I admit into heavy silence. Calum's mouth quirks humorlessly as he waits for me to explain pulling him aside so dramatically. I rake a restless hand through still damp hair. "Just um...checking in I guess? We haven't talked much since..."

Since he saw proof of Harry's lips fused passionately to mine. The memory flashes hot under my skin.

Something inscrutable flashes across Calum's stoic expression. Then all at once he's leaning into my space, crowding me against cold metal lockers. My lungs seize up. Being pinned by his athletic strength stirs that annoying competitive aspect of my alpha male psyche. I grit my teeth meeting his smoldering stare challengingly rather than pushing him away.

"You seem awfully interested in my dating life lately" Calum remarks lowly. "First stealing Harry, now cornering me about feelings and shit?" His ink black eyes bore into me. "Seems like you're the one wanting attention..."

Indignation flares in my chest at his gall. "You must be joking!" I retort incredulously. "I didn't steal anyone! In case your selective memory forgot, you dumped Harry without even talking to him. I was just being a decent friend."

Calum scans my face intently. Then something almost wounded flashes across his handsome features. He steps back slowly, his hard mask cracking slightly. My defensive anger dissipates instantly reading the shift behind his façade.

Wait...could Calum have actual feelings stirring for someone beyond surface attraction? And his defensiveness masking fear I might steal that chance away again? My earlier urgency returns - we definitely need an overdue heart to heart...

Calum's POV

I scrub a hand roughly over my face, the carefully composed mask I wear like armor cracking despite my resistance. Zayn's self-righteous words rub me the wrong way even if part of me knows he's right. I did react badly to Harry without actually talking to him after that photo came out.

"I just don't get you man," I sigh, defeated anger leaking into my tone. "You and Luke have so much history and are still attached at the hip. But then you turn around and hook up with his new bestie? Kinda fucked up dynamic you got going there."

I expect Zayn to get pissed at the accusatory vibe of my questions. But he just watches me evenly for a moment with those unnerving amber eyes that seem to strip souls bare.

"Luke and I will always be important to each other after everything we've been through" he says carefully. "But never beyond friendship now. I was quite upfront with him about my interest in Harry so there's no bad blood there."

I shake my head, still skeptical of their weirdly intimate dynamic. "I dunno Zayn. Guess I just don't get how you flip between them so easily."

Zayn's stare sharpens at that, jaw ticking. "It's not like that at all" he disputes firmly. "My bond with Luke has nothing to do with Harry. They just happen to both be special people I care a lot about."

His unwavering gaze locks me in place. "I know you aren't as close with Luke, only know him as my ex and whatnot. But he has one of the biggest hearts around. I'd hope you give him a chance someday because he deserves that."

Zayn's unexpectedly fierce defense of Luke's character makes me shift my footing, conviction wavering. Maybe there's still pieces here I don't fully grasp tying this group together somehow...

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