Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV

The night of the party at Michael's house has finally arrived, and it is clear from the moment Harry walks into the room that something is different. He wears makeup - subtle yet stunning, enhancing his already striking features. I cammot help but be drawn to him, unable to look away from the newfound confidence that seems to radiate from him.

"Wow, Harry, you look incredible," I cannot help but compliment.

He smiles, a touch of blush on his cheeks accentuated by the makeup. "Thanks, Zayn. Luke did it for me."

I know exactly who is responsible for that transformation. Luke is an artist when it came to makeup, and he has been the one to give Harry this captivating look. My heart does a strange flip at the sight of Harry, and I have to remind myself to focus on the party.

As the night progresses, the group of us decide to play a game of truth or dare. The atmosphere is light and fills with laughter, but I cannot help but feel a tinge of something as I watch Harry. He does not laugh with the rest. He is still guarded, keeping to himself, but there is something intriguing about him.

Niall, always the mischievous one, grins mischievously and says, "Alright, Harry, truth or dare?"

Harry hesitates, his guarded demeanor still intact. "Truth."

Niall's eyes sparkle with excitement. "Alright, Harry. Tell us something about yourself that no one here knows."

Harry's gaze flickers around the room, his guard up, before he finally speaks, "I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar."

The room falls silent for a moment, and then a chorus of cheers erupt. It is a small revelation, but it feels like a glimpse into Harry's hidden world.

Niall then turns to Calum with a sly grin. "Calum, truth or dare?"

Calum grins back, confident as ever. "Dare, of course."

Niall's eyes twinkle with mischief. "I dare you to kiss Harry."

The room falls silent again, this time in anticipation. Harry's guard is still up, but he does not object. Calum leans in, his eyes lock with Harry's, and their lips meet for a brief moment. The room erupts in cheers and laughter.

Luke's reaction is more subdued, his eyes downcast, and his smile forced. It is clear that the dare has hurt him, and I ,cannot help but feel a pang of sympathy for my best friend. Luke has harbored feelings for Calum for a long time, and this kiss is a painful reminder that those feelings are unreciprocated.

As for me, I cannot deny the jealousy that surges within me as I watch Calum and Harry. It is irrational, I know, but seeing Harry with someone else stirs something inside me. I try to push those feelings aside and focus on the party, but it is becoming increasingly difficult.

The night wear on, and the party continue, but the atmosphere has changed. Luke seems distant, Calum oblivious to the turmoil he has caused, and I cannot shake the sense of longing that has taken hold of me.

Harry's POV

The kiss with Calum is my first kiss, and as much as I want to, I cannot deny the warmth that has spread through me. It is like a spark in the dark, a feeling I have never experienced before. I think I enjoy it. For the first time in a long while, I consider taking my guard down, just a little. Maybe this is why people make a big deal of a first kiss.

As the party continue, I cannot shake the sensation of that stolen moment. I cannot figure out why Luke has been acting distant, but it leaves me feeling uneasy. The atmosphere at the party was buzzing, and the music is loud. I decide to have a drink to calm my nerves.

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