Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

I catch Harry's eyes on Luke and I sharing dessert from across the cafeteria. The pinch between his eyebrows looks adorably perplexed. Probably still finds our lingering affection confusing after I apologized about our kiss to give him space.

I sigh quietly to myself. Harry intrigues me more each day with those searching emerald eyes that hold onto secrets I'm desperate to uncover. He deflects most personal questions though, keeping part of himself locked away. It leaves me endlessly curious and frustrated.

When I kissed him at the party, walls finally lowered behind that guarded gaze. I felt the real Harry for a fleeting moment - responsive and hungry against my lips. Then quick as a startled deer, he darted back behind the safety of distance and denial in the sober light of day.

But I can't shake the addictive taste of what hides beneath the surface. My accidental drunken glimpse left me craving more. So I'm determined to slowly chip away whatever makes him pull away until Harry lets me back in to explore those beautiful layers again.

Even if I have to start with something as small as asking what's really bothering him lately when Luke's not paying attention at lunch. Baby steps are still progress when the reward of unmasking Harry's mesmerizing soul awaits...

Harry's POV

"I can start driving you to school too if you want."

I pause, milkshake straw hovering halfway between my mouth and the glass. Calum made the offer so casually as we walked to his flashy sports car after our third date at the diner. Like inserting himself deeper into my routine is no big deal.

But for me, it kind of is. I've come to value the consistency of Luke's happy chatter on our morning commutes. It helps ease me into the school day way more than radio silence with Calum checking his phone at stoplights would.

At the same time, refusing might hurt Calum's feelings. And despite only going out a handful of times, he's been nothing but sweet to me so far. I don't want to seem ungrateful for the attention Golden Boy quarterback is showing shy new kid me by turning down reasonable gestures.

"Um maybe, I'll let you know," I finally mutter noncommittally. Calum just smiles, either oblivious to or ignoring my lukewarm response. His confidence never wavers. Must be nice living like the whole world bends to your advantage all the time.

As he pulls up to my driveway, I impulsively lean across the console to initiate our usual goodnight kiss for once. Calum makes a soft surprised sound before responding enthusiastically, hand coming up to cradle my jaw.

Yeah, he's a good kisser. And ticks all the popular hot guy boxes. Anyone should be thrilled Calum Hood is this interested in dating them. Too bad my traitorous thoughts can't seem to stop wandering to someone with golden skin and sharp cheekbones instead...

Luke's POV

My grip on the Xbox controller tightens as Harry tells me casually from my beanbag chair that Calum might start driving him to school now.

"Oh. That's...nice of him to offer," I force out neutrally.

Inside, irritation simmers as I imagine Calum laughing brightly with his posse of popular friends while Harry sits quietly in the front seat.

I pause the game, annoyance spiking again at the mental image. Turning to look at him finally, I take in the slump of Harry's shoulders as he picks at a loose thread on his jeans. The subtle vulnerability makes my protective instincts flare despite barely knowing him.

"Just remember you always have a ride with me no matter what." I bump his shoulder gently until he meets my eyes. "I know I'm not the star quarterback or anything. But I'll always save you the backseat in my car."

The corner of Harry's mouth ticks up slightly at that. He holds my gaze for a beat, green eyes glinting warmly. "I know, Luke. Thank you." The simple words soothe my irrational irritation. I settle back and unpause the video game, weirdly concerned what Calum inserting himself deeper into Harry's world might mean for...well, all of us.

Zayn's POV

I slide into Luke's passenger seat Monday morning, surprised to see it empty besides us. Craning my neck, I confirm Harry isn't sitting silent as a statue in the backseat like usual.

"No Harry today?" I ask casually, hoping my racing pulse isn't obvious.

"Nope. Apparently, Calum is his new chauffeur these days," Luke mutters, irritation clear in his tone as he pulls away from the curb.

"Oh." My thoughts spin wondering why Harry would switch routine when he never mentioned anything.

Luke glances sideways at me while we wait at a red light. "You alright Z? You seem kinda thrown off by Harry not riding with us."

I shift in my seat, gaze fixed out the windshield. "What? No, I just figured he would've said something is all."

Luke makes a thoughtful humming sound. "I mean, can you blame him though? If Golden Boy Calum wanted to drive me around, I'd probably ditch your grumpy butt too," he teases lightly.

I roll my eyes, elbowing him in the side. Luke just laughs. But underneath the playful banter, I sense him fishing for something more from me.

My leg bounces with pent up restless energy the whole drive. As we walk from the parking lot, I make a split second decision. Grabbing Luke's wrist, I tug him behind a large tree near the football field bleachers.

He raises his eyebrows at me. Before I lose nerve, I confess in a rush, "Harry and I kissed at Michael's party. We were drunk but I initiated it. Haven't really talked about it since."

Luke's mouth drops open slightly. I rake both hands roughly through my hair. "And I know it didn't mean anything cause he's been avoiding me. But now he's with Calum and I just feel..."

I trail off miserably. Luke's expression shifts through several emotions before settling on compassion. Stepping closer, he rests both forearms on my shoulders reassuringly.

"Wow, okay. That's a lot to unpack," he says gently. Luke searches my conflicted eyes. "But it'll be okay, Z. We'll figure it out."

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull Luke in for a tight hug. Having his steady friendship through this confusing emotional maze means everything. I breathe him in, letting the familiar scent ground me. Everything may be changing, but at least I still have this.

 Everything may be changing, but at least I still have this

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