Chapter 19

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Zayn's POV

I try focusing on Harry beside me, but my thoughts keep drifting back to Calum's loaded questions. Despite brushing it off, I know him well enough to recognize when something is really bothering him beneath the surface.

Making excuses, I slide out of the vinyl booth and cross over to where Calum is playing pool with some of our teammates. He glances up guardedly at my approach but doesn't speak.

I cross my arms leaning next to him casually. "Hey, about earlier...I didn't mean to snap at you like that. Just got protective of Harry after everything that's happened I guess."

Calum is silent, lining up his next shot. His handsome features give nothing away. Finally he sighs, straightening to face me. "Nah I get it bro, you're into him. Didn't mean to overstep or whatever."

He scrubs a hand through his wavy dark hair. "Letting my ego get the better of me or some shit. Harry was never mine to claim." Calum's eyes cut to where Harry sits chatting with Luke. Something wistful and resigned flashes across his face so quick I almost miss it.

Wait. Understanding hits me suddenly with the force of a sack of bricks. " you have actual feelings for Harry?" I ask carefully.

Calum's head whips back to me, expression shuttering closed once more. "What? No, course not," he scoffs. But heat creeps up his neck belying the nonchalant words.

I stare at him incredulously. Mister oblivious Calum Hood catching legitimate emotions? And for sweet, guarded Harry of all people? My mind spins making sense of this new twist.

Calum shifts restlessly under my too-perceptive gaze. "Don't look at me like that," he mutters. "So what if I thought there might be something special there before you swooped in." His dark eyes flash with unexpected vulnerability that tugs at my sympathy.

"Damn Cal, I'm sorry," I say helplessly. Unsure what else I can offer when my own heart is so clearly wrapped up in Harry now too.

Calum just shakes his head with a rueful twist to his lips. "S'alright I guess. Had my chance and let petty shit get in the way." His stare drifts back to Harry, confliction playing across his handsome face for a long beat this time. With visible effort, Calum's casual mask slides firmly back into place shielding his thoughts once more.

"Anyway yeah, forget it. Enjoy your boy and all that." He claps my shoulder perhaps a bit harder than necessary before walking off to rejoin the rowdy footballer table. I stand frozen watching him go, still processing this unprecedented vulnerable side to Calum.

Luke's POV

I stir my milkshake absently, hyper aware of Zayn crossing the diner to talk privately with Calum. Their body language looks tense even from here. Must be continuing whatever weirdness happened earlier when Cal questioned Harry and Zayn cuddling.

Across the booth, Harry glances over too before returning his focus to me. "So um, you and Calum?" he asks tentatively. "Do you...y'know, have feelings or history there?"

His caring insightfulness makes me duck my head self-consciously. I poke at my melting whipped cream, feeling suddenly exposed. But Harry places a comforting hand on my arm waiting patiently for me to gather my thoughts.

With a heavy exhale, I meet his kind green eyes. "I've kinda had a hopeless crush on him forever," I admit shyly. "But Cal never sees me as anything except Zayn's clingy ex. I'm used to pining silently by now."

I give a half-hearted shrug like my words don't cut painfully deep. But Harry, perceptive as always, reads below the nonchalance and gives my arm a gentle, supportive squeeze.

"For what it's worth, I see how he looks at you sometimes across the cafeteria and stuff," Harry says softly. "Definitely lingers longer than just friendly interest."

I bite my lip hesitantly. After misreading signals from Cal for ages now, I'm wary to let tentative hope spark again. But something in Harry's gentle expression coaxes my bruised heart back open a sliver. A new possibility taking hazy shape - one I'm terrified to examine too closely in case it shatters this delicate moment...

Just then Zayn returns to our booth with cloudy eyes and tense shoulders hinting at a heavier conversation with Calum. As he slides his arm back around Harry's waist automatically, their heads bend together exchanging quiet intimacy. And for once, the longing pang in my chest feels just a little less painful watching someone I care about find happiness instead of envy at what I don't have.

I meet Harry's secretly hopeful eyes with a tiny real smile. If a boy who hides behind mile-high protective walls can take a vulnerable leap towards love, maybe someone whose heart beats for their best friend's teammate can too someday...


I roll up outside Harry's house feeling lighter than I have in a while. Ever since opening up more with him about my crush on Calum, something shifted. There's a new possibility glowing faintly on the horizon I almost feel brave enough to pursue consciously now.

When we arrive Zayn's house, surprise zips through me seeing Zayn folds gracefully into the backseat. My best friend always takes shotgun. Yet today he settles in close next to Harry, their hands finding each other's automatically like magnets. Something fluttery and happy stirs in my chest at their new intimacy. I'm truly thrilled Harry is letting himself feel deserving of love at last. Especially with someone who cares as fiercely as Zayn does.

As I glance at them snuggled up in the mirror while driving, an impish idea strikes. "Jeez you two, get a room much?" I tease. They break apart with shy giggles. "Sorry chauffeur Lucas, I'll just drop them off in the back here," I joke pointing over my shoulder.

The laughter filling the backseat feels lighter than anything. My friends just glow lately and it's infectious, washing through my own soul. Turns out finding my purpose supporting those I care about opens up possibilities for myself I never imagined.

When we roll up to school, the brightness spilling from me falters briefly seeing Calum standing with his usual crew out front. Harry and Zayn are still being cute in the backseat oblivious to my sudden nerves resurfacing.

But then Zayn's warm hand squeezes my shoulder as my friends climb out together. "Thanks Lukey," he says sincerely, happiness sparking bright between us still.

With their backs disappearing towards the building, I start grabbing my stuff too. Until sudden tapping on my window makes me jump. I glance up quickly to see Calum himself, crooked smirk in place but eyes unusually vulnerable. As our stares catch for a crystallized moment, the glow inside reignites with fresh oxygen...

Calum's POV

"Well well, playing chauffeur for the new couple now eh blondie?" I ask lightly once Luke lowers his window in surprise.

He shrugs, failing to dim the brightness spilling from his blue eyes. "Hey now don't be jealous Hood," Luke jokes back easily. "You know Malik's high maintenance ass always expects the royal treatment."

Luke's good mood seems contagious and I feel my mouth quirk watching him gather his stuff, sunny hair flopping over his forehead endearingly. Before I overthink too hard, words are spilling out unplanned.

"Lemme walk you in actually? Wanna hear how songwriting is going lately..."

Luke freezes, something vulnerable and hopeful crossing his expression so quick I nearly miss it. As we fall in step towards school, tentative warmth unfurls cautiously in my chest. No expectations, just enjoying this golden boy's captivating company for once.

For now though, just focusing on how Luke's palm brushes temptingly close to mine as we walk already feels like enough.

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