Chapter 5

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Luke's POV

Monday morning arrives, and I feel a pit in my stomach as I pull up outside Harry's house. The tension from Saturday night's party still hangs in the air. I know something happened after I drove a disoriented Harry home last Saturday.

As Harry slides into the backseat, silence fills the space, he does not even greet me. I glance in the rearview mirror and see Harry staring out the window, lost in thought. His brows are slightly furrowed, lips pressed in a tight line.

I clear my throat, breaking the heavy quiet. "So...your first party here, how was it huh?"

Harry's eyes flick up, meeting mine in the mirror. "Uh, yeah. Crazy night," he mutters before averting his gaze once more.

I sigh inwardly as I pull up outside Zayn's house. Harry is back being so closed off. Short reply, seems like he is not in mood for a conversation.

When Zayn opens the passenger door, the tense atmosphere magnifies. His lips form a taut smile that doesn't reach his eyes as he slides in, also without greeting me. No kiss on my cheek like he usually gives every morning. The charged silence returns as we drive towards school. This strangeness between my two friends sits like a weight on my chest.

Zayn's POV

Sitting in tense silence, I resist the urge to glance back at Harry. Our accidental kiss from the party replays in my mind. The soft fullness of his lips, the hesitant curiosity in his touch...I squeeze my eyes shut, willing the treacherous memories away.

What was I thinking kissing my best friend's new neighbor and rideshare buddy? Sure, there's an irresistible magnetism about Harry that draws me in. But clearly he regrets what happened. He's barely said two words to me since that night.

When we stop at a red light, I can't stop my eyes from flickering up to the rearview mirror. My pulse stumbles over itself seeing Harry already gazing back at me, eyes conflicted.

The light turns green and we both look away quickly. Luke remains oblivious as he drums his fingers on the steering wheel to a pop song. I force my attention out the window and try unsuccessfully to slow my racing heart. This unresolved tension between me and Harry won't be easy to navigate.

Harry's POV

Luke's attempt at small talk falls flat in the uneasy quiet. Out the car window, trees blur past in an impressionist painting of green and grey. Anything to avoid looking towards the front passenger seat.

Because looking at Zayn means remembering how soft his lips felt against mine. How they opened eagerly at the touch of my tongue. I shift in my seat, warmth creeping up my neck at the memory.

Confusing doesn't begin to describe this. I'm the one who kissed him first in a vulnerable drunken moment. Yet I'm also the one who fled the scene right after, terrified by my own impulsiveness.

So I shouldn't be surprised Zayn has reverted to giving me the silent treatment too. Only he hasn't. I can feel his periodic glances on me from the front seat, loaded with unasked questions. My willpower crumbles and I meet his eyes in the mirror. Their whiskey hue makes my stomach swoop dangerously.

Wrenching my gaze away, I press my temple to the cold glass watching the scenery blur by. I've always kept people at arm's length, never letting anyone too close. But somehow Zayn has slipped past my defences. Now I'm forced to confront emotions I don't understand. Uncertainty was always my least favourite feeling. Yet here we are.

When Destiny Hesitates [ZARRY]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon