Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

Right after we drop off Zayn at his house after school, I quickly start a conversation about the party with Luke.

"Can I not go? I have some other business," I lie to Luke.

"Haz, I know you're lying. What's that business? If you really had something else to do, you would've told Michael during lunch just now, not me. I'm not the one who invited you to the party. But, I definitely will make sure you'll be there."

Ermm... I don't know what to say to Luke anymore. Ugh, this guy. Guess I have no choice. Maybe I should try attending the party, being a rebel and all. After all, I am a teenager. I should enjoy parties, right?

I keep silent, and before anything else, we reach my house. When I'm about to exit Luke's car, I remember that my mum told me she won't be home today, Friday and for the rest of the weekend. She's left money for me to order food.

"Ermm... Luke."

"Yes, Harry...," Luke smiles at me.

"I don't normally do this, please don't think that I'm taking advantage of you, asking you to drive me around. But yeah, I really need to ask you a favor. I need to buy groceries. Can you drive me there?"

As per my calculations this morning, mum hasn't left enough money for me to order takeout for four days straight, so I obviously need to buy something to cook. I don't know this neighborhood well enough yet. Plus, I don't have my own car. Asking Luke for a favor shouldn't be a problem, right?

"Groceries? Doesn't your mum always handle that?" Luke asks.

"My mum won't be around today and for the rest of the weekend, so yeah. It's okay if you don't want to take me there. I - Never mind, forget I ever asked that. Thank you for the ride."

"Harry... wait. No, I didn't mean it that way... in fact, I definitely can drive you there, but let me go to my house first, let my mum know, and take a quick shower. Then, we can meet again in 30 minutes, is that okay?"

Luke is a mama's boy. Turns out, yeah, not only does he tell his mum, but his mum also follows along. According to Luke, bringing his mum is necessary as she knows best about groceries. He has no idea I have handled this multiple times. I know what to buy and what to cook.

Luke's mum insists on making me stay at their house for Friday and the weekend, she's afraid that I'll be lonely. I live next door to them, and I think I'm just fine with that. If anything happens, they're just next door. I am used to live alone anyway.

I end up in Luke's bedroom that night after having dinner with his family, who are very, very nice and welcoming. I'm not used to this perfect family thing, but I admit that it warms my heart.

Yeah, so I will be sleeping in his room for the weekend. It's hard to refuse when Luke's mum insists on this. Luke also doesn't mind.

His bedroom is big enough for both of us. I notice on his study table that there are pictures of him and Zayn when they were little. I mean, I don't know whether that's really little Zayn, but I guess it's him cause it looks like mini him. Then, next to it, there's a picture of Luke kissing Zayn's cheek. They sure do lie about being just best friends.

Maybe Luke noticed me staring at the picture because he begins speaking, a soft and somewhat distant tone in his voice

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Maybe Luke noticed me staring at the picture because he begins speaking, a soft and somewhat distant tone in his voice.

"I have been friends with Zayn since we were kids. We used to do everything together. He's like a brother to me, Haz."

I can sense the bond between them was deeper than mere friendship, but I do not push further. It is not my place to pry into their relationship.

Luke quickly changes the subject, probably because I give no reply.

"Alright, I'll go let Mum know about the party, I forgot to tell her just now. I'll be back in no time. You do whatever you want here. Bathroom is over there"

As Luke left the room, I glance around. His bedroom is neat and organized, a reflection of his personality. The soft, warm colors and music posters on the walls added a touch of character to the space. It feels comfortable, inviting even.

I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to grow up in a family like Luke's, where warmth and affection seem to flow effortlessly. My own family has been fragmented, torn apart by my parents' separation, and I often feel like an outsider even in my own home.


The rest of Friday drags by. I'm relieved when the final bell rings. As I shove books into my locker, ready for the weekend, Luke suddenly appears next to me.

"Hey Harry! A few of us were gonna go grab pizza now. You in?"

Before I can respond, Zayn seems to materialize by Luke's side, an easy smile on his unfairly gorgeous face.

"Yeah Harreh, come hang out with us!" Zayn pleads, nickname rolling off his tongue naturally already.

My stomach flips a little hearing him call me that. I find myself nodding yes despite my intention to go straight home and collapse after a long first week.

The four of us - me, Luke, Zayn, and Niall - pile into a booth at the local pizza shop. The conversation flows comfortably as we joke around waiting for our food. Under the vinyl tabletop, Zayn's leg accidentally brushes against mine sending tingles up my thigh.

My breathing hitches when I feel Zayn's hand come to rest higher up my leg, hidden from view. I freeze. Is it actually an accident or is Zayn....touching me on purpose?

Before I can decide what to do, Calum Hood strolls in with some of his football teammates. My pulse skyrockets when I see him head right for our table, his dark gaze locking with mine.

"Well if it isn't my favorite group of guys!" Calum greets brightly. His eyes trail up and down my body appreciatively. "Especially you, Curly."

I bite my lip to hide an involuntary smile while Zayn tenses up next to me. Under the table, his hand grips tighter onto my leg. An unreadable expression crosses his face as his eyes dart between Calum and I. Strange...he's the one who's taken, not me.

Just then, our pizza arrives. As we all grab slices, the conversation shifts gears with Calum dominating about their last football game. I try focusing on eating but my nerves feel electrified, hyper aware of both Zayn and Calum's lingering gazes on me the whole time...

Luke's POV

I pick at my pizza slice half-listening to Calum dominate the dinner conversation per usual. My eyes keep wandering over to admire how the setting sunlight streams through the window accentuating his sharp jawline.

Okay, so maybe I've had a tiny crush on Calum since freshman year. But he's a popular jock while I'm just his teammate's quirky blond friend who watches all their practices from the bleachers. I'm pretty sure Calum sees me as nothing more than his buddy Zayn's ex.

Although...there are times I wonder if I imagine Calum looking my way a beat longer than necessary. But he's never made an actual move. We have easy banter when he hangs with our friend group, yet it never goes deeper than that.

I sigh inwardly. Even if by some miracle Calum did like me back, he would never act on it out of loyalty to Zayn. They've been best mates on the football team forever. I would never expect Calum to jeopardize that friendship.

So I'm resigned to silently pine from afar. At least I still get to admire Calum's athleticism and energy at every game and practice. For now I suppose that will have to be enough, even if my heart yearns for more..."You good Luke?" Zayn asks, snapping me from my brooding thoughts. "You've been spaced out for a bit, mate."

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry just tired I guess," I reply forcing a smile.

Calum's arm brushes against mine as he reaches for another slice sending butterflies swirling in my stomach. I quickly avert my gaze before I do something imagine what it might feel like to actually date him.

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