Chapter 6

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Luke's POV

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Luke's POV

I pick at my pizza, unable to focus on the conversation flowing around me. The image of Calum's hand on Harry's hip keeps replaying in my mind. It makes my stomach churn worse than the greasy pepperoni I'm forcing down.

I know I'm being ridiculous. I don't have any claim on Calum. We've never dated or even hooked up. Just some harmless flirting that probably meant nothing to him.

But I couldn't stop that tiny spark of hope from taking root inside me. Late night thoughts of maybe, someday getting closer kept me warm on lonely nights. Now watching Calum pursue Harry so openly forces me to confront reality. And it stings. Badly.

Across from me, Zayn and Harry seem to be engaged in another of their staring contests, full of tense, unreadable looks. Seriously what is up with those two? They've been giving each other strange, heated glances all through lunch.

Niall's raucous laugh next to me makes us all jump. "Man, you three need to lighten up! It's pizza day, not attend-a-funeral day," he jokes through a mouthful of crust.

Zayn cracks a reluctant smile while Harry lets out that little exhale-laugh I find so endearing. The knot in my chest loosens just barely. But when Calum breezes through the cafeteria doors and makes a beeline for our table, I brace myself all over again.

Here we go...

Zayn's POV

Seeing Calum sidle up to our table puts me instantly on edge again. He leans on the back of Harry's chair, arm draped loosely over his shoulders. The casual intimacy raises my hackles.

"Yo, save room for those tacos tonight," Calum says with a squeeze to Harry's arm. Is he trying to stake some claim right in front of me?

"I always have room for your meat," Harry replies, holding Calum's heated gaze. Then they both break into laughter that no one else understands.

Something hot and unpleasant licks up my spine watching them. Harry hasn't so much as spoken to me since our kiss but he's making charged innuendos with Calum already? It makes no sense and pisses me off to no end.

"What's so funny?" I demand sharper than intended. Four pairs of surprised eyes turn my way.

"Just a little joke between me and Harold here," Calum says easily, although his shoulders straighten. Harry won't meet my stare, pink tingeing his cheeks.

"Yeah well save your little private jokes for your hot date tonight," I snap.

A beat of awkward silence settles over the table. Harry glances up, hurt flashing across his face. Shit. I didn't mean to take this out on him. But the smug look Calum gives me as he steers Harry out of the cafeteria makes me see red.

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