Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I stare at Zayn, and seeing his handsome face, I accidently reply without thinking, "Okay"

When we were in the office earlier to pick my schedule, Luke had offered me lunch, but I told him I don't usually do lunch.

The truth is, I'm not used to people making an effort to include me. My usual approach is to keep my distance, avoid forming connections, and prevent myself from getting attached because, in the past, moving again and again has always meant heartache.

But maybe it's time to ease up a bit. Walking into a new school, I've never had someone offer to show me around or invite me to lunch. Usually, I trudge through it alone, keeping to myself. However, this time, Luke is nice enough to give me a ride to school, and Zayn is with Luke. So, why not give it a shot?

I do, however, make a silent promise to myself: don't get too attached.

Of course, my decision has nothing to do with how undeniably good-looking Zayn is!


As we head to lunch together, I notice Luke's surprise at seeing me with Zayn, but he quickly greets me with a warm smile and joins us, throwing an arm around each of our shoulders. He then introduces me to the rest of their friends.

Post-lunch, it's time for Physical Education, a subject I've never been too fond of. I usually sit on the bench and watch others play. Out of the blue, a guy with the biggest smile on his face, approaches me.

"Hey, you must be new here. I'm Calum, the captain of the football team."

"You should try out for the football team, we could use those long legs of yours." He playfully nudges my arm.

" He playfully nudges my arm

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I look at him. He's not bad-looking. But here I go again, I can't accept any friendship or relationship. I had just moved to this new town, and my track record with making friends wasn't great. My mom's job constantly had us relocating, and I'd learned to build walls around myself, not wanting to get too attached to anyone because I knew we'd eventually move again.

I ignore him and give no reply. I mean, I'm done talking to people today. It's already a lot of people for me in a day.

Zayn comes out of nowhere and says, "Ha, Calum, guess there are people who can resist your charm."

They both laugh, and Calum whispers something to Zayn. Then they leave me alone to continue playing football.


As we take our seats in our last class, I notice Zayn's hand linger on Luke's arm for a moment as they chat. That's not the first casual touch between them I've noticed today either. It makes me wonder if there's something deeper going on there, even though they tell me they're just best friends.

I sneak a few glances at them during class. Zayn leans in close at one point to whisper something to Luke, making him break out into giggles. The intimacy of it leaves me feeling...oddly jealous? But that doesn't make sense, I barely know them after all.

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