Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I chew my thumbnail staring at the text from Luke inviting me to Michael's tonight. Just the thought of being surrounded by everyone again so soon after the fallout makes my palms sweat.

Must have been staring blankly too long because a gentle hand touches my shoulder. I startle and see Luke perched on my bed looking at me kindly.

"You alright Haz? We don't have to go if you're not ready," he says without judgement.

I drop my eyes, shame burning my cheeks. Luke has been my rock through all this drama yet here I am anxious to even hang out with our friends in his comforting presence.

His hand rubs gentle circles between my shoulder blades. "Talk to me. What's going on in that head of yours?" he prods softly.

I lean into Luke's steady touch, the right words struggling to form. "I just...the last party was too much. Feels like people are still judging me wherever I go," I sigh miserably.

Luke makes a thoughtful sound. "You know...the people who matter don't judge you at all. And we'll be there too. I'll stick right by your side the whole time, how's that? We can leave whenever you want." His blue eyes radiate earnestness.

My chest swells with gratitude for this ray of human sunshine who keeps showing up for me. If Luke has my back, maybe I can handle facing the group again after all. I nod slowly and some of the tension in Luke's expression smooths out.

"Atta boy Haz! Might surprise yourself and have some fun too," he winks playfully making me huff out a small laugh despite myself. Just like that, my anxiety begins dissipating thanks to Luke working his usual magic.

Luke's POV

I keep a subtle eye on Harry once we arrive at Michael's, gauging his comfort levels. He sticks close at first while I chat casually with a few classmates. After 20 minutes though, I notice his shoulders relax as he surveys the chilled scene. Much more low-key vibes tonight thankfully.

Leaving Harry chatting comfortably with Niall, I wander into the kitchen for a drink refill. Rounding the corner, I nearly slam into Zayn's sturdy chest. His hands catch my biceps, steadying me with a little grin.

"Well... hey there stranger," he laughs softly. "Haven't seen you all night with your new shadow." Mirth glints in his amber eyes.

I roll my eyes playfully. "That obvious I'm on Harry patrol huh?"

Zayn just smiles knowingly, glancing toward the living room. "I think you can safely relax though. Seems to be doing alright from what I've seen."

Following his gaze, we both observe Harry smiling more openly as he converses with a few people now. The persistent knot between my shoulders loosens. Maybe Zayn is right and I can stop hovering quite so protectively. Harry finding his footing within the group again is my deepest wish tonight. And seems well on his way to coming true...

Zayn's POV

I nudge Luke's arm lightly where we stand side by side observing the scene. "So, Calum seems to be seeking you out tonight..."

I don't miss the way Calum has been glancing over at us from his spot on the couch. And specifically at Luke rather than me each time. It's a familiar look I recognize - a tentative rekindling of interest.

Luke tenses almost imperceptibly next to me, a motion so subtle only I would notice after years by his side. "I mean, he's just being friendly. We're all chill tonight," Luke deflects with an airy tone that doesn't reach his eyes.

I study his conflicted profile, debating whether to push gently. We know each other inside out. I'm aware Luke still harbors feelings below the surface for Calum. But I also don't take his lingering hurt lightly after the Harry situation.

I settle for covering Luke's hand with mine briefly in wordless support. As much as I believe Calum genuinely cares underneath the oblivious exterior, Luke deserves effort from him first before fully lowering his guard again.

Across the room, Harry tilts his head back in a full bodied laugh at something Niall said. The sound sends warmth slipping down my spine. His dimples flash briefly and my breath catches. Stunning doesn't begin to describe Harry freed from his usual careful composure.

An idea strikes suddenly. I give Luke's wrist a quick, reassuring squeeze before crossing the room and sinking down on the empty couch cushion next to Harry. Up close, the lingering traces of his smile make my pulse pick up pace.

"So Harry..." I begin, plopping next to him on Michael's lumpy couch, "think you can squeeze our English project in tomorrow?"

I chance a subtle side eye gauging his reaction. All night I've caught Harry peeking over when he thinks I'm not paying attention. Like magnets, we keep circling nearer all evening until finally settling together in this quieter corner of the living room.

Harry worries his bottom lip, eyes downcast. My pulse kicks up a notch as I patiently await his response. Niall and Luke's raucous laughter sounds from the kitchen down the hall followed by an enthusiastic "Chug! Chug!" chant. Clearly those two discovered Michael's parent's liquor cabinet.

A tiny huff escapes Harry's mouth at the commotion, his broad shoulders finally relaxing. He lifts his gaze catching me already staring back hopefully.

"Reckon I have nowhere better to be tomorrow" he replies, slow grin flashing his darling dimples. Relief swoops through my chest. We hold eye contact a beat longer than usual, the air suddenly feeling charged between us.

"Sick, we can finally make headway then!" I reach across to clink my soda against his ginger ale, unable to resist waggling my eyebrows. "Who knows, might even unlock hidden talents bringing fictional characters to life through our masterful portrayal."

Harry nearly snorts his drink at that, coughing a little before regaining composure. "Easy there Spielberg" he retorts, eyes glinting playfully. "Let's just focus on not failing before we plan our Oscar speeches yeah?"

I clutch my chest in mock offense. "Curly, your words wound me! Maybe you underestimate these acting chops." Before he can react, I rearrange my features into an exaggerated pout, peering up at him beneath a dramatic furrowed brow.

Hazza's eyes crease at the corners as he blinks slowly, clearly resisting the urge to laugh. I allow my lip to quiver pathetically for added effect.

Finally he breaks, a glorious honking guffaw escaping those pretty pink lips. "What in the actual hell Zayn" Harry wheezes out between residual giggles. "Think you've got the emotional range of an indignant cartoon character down at least."

I can't keep from joining his infectious laughter then, the musical sound better than any song I've heard. Under the kitchen fluorescents, Luke glances over at us with a curious little smile I pretend not to notice. Tonight feels lighter than my soul has carried in a while.

The next evening, palms sweating ridiculously in my joggers pockets, I pace the entryway waiting for Harry's arrival. I must have re-fluffed the couch pillows eleven times already. I insult the throw blanket with a scowl just as the doorbell rings.

Here we go...

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